tr element

Attributes: align  •  alt  •  background-color  •  background-image-dpi  •  background-image-position  •  background-image  •  background-pdf  •  border-color  •  border-style  •  border-width  •  border  •  clear  •  corner-radius  •  display  •  float  •  font-size  •  height  •  href  •  left  •  line-cap  •  line-height  •  line-join  •  margin  •  onmouseover  •  overflow  •  padding  •  page-break-after  •  page-break-inside  •  position  •  rotate  •  size  •  title  •  top  •  vertical-align  •  visibility  •  white-space  •  width  •  class  •  colorspace  •  direction  •  id  •  lang  •  pdf-tag-background-color  •  pdf-tag-border-color  •  pdf-tag-border-style  •  pdf-tag-border-thickness  •  pdf-tag-color  •  pdf-tag-list-numbering  •  pdf-tag-placement  •  pdf-tag-table-colspan  •  pdf-tag-table-headers  •  pdf-tag-table-rowspan  •  pdf-tag-table-scope  •  pdf-tag-table-summary  •  pdf-tag-text-align  •  pdf-tag-type
See:table tbody tfoot thead td

The tr tag specifies a table row. Use the tr tag inside a table tag.

The tr tag can contain TH tags, which indicate table headings, and td tags, which indicate table cells (although the difference is purely stylistic).

Unlike CSS2, the tr tag can have margin, padding and border attributes set, although any horizontal components (e.g. margin-left) will be ignored.

  <tr background-color="#D0D0D0" border-bottom="1">
    <th>Heading 1</th><th>Heading 2</th>
    <td>Cell 3</td><td>Cell 4</td>