ol element

Attributes: marker-font-family  •  marker-font-style  •  marker-font-weight  •  marker-hierarchy-separator  •  marker-hierarchy  •  marker-offset  •  marker-suffix  •  marker-type  •  start  •  align  •  alt  •  background-color  •  background-image-dpi  •  background-image-position  •  background-image  •  background-pdf  •  border-color  •  border-style  •  border-width  •  border  •  clear  •  corner-radius  •  display  •  float  •  font-size  •  height  •  href  •  left  •  line-cap  •  line-height  •  line-join  •  margin  •  onmouseover  •  overflow  •  padding  •  page-break-after  •  page-break-inside  •  position  •  rotate  •  size  •  title  •  top  •  vertical-align  •  visibility  •  white-space  •  width  •  class  •  colorspace  •  direction  •  id  •  lang  •  pdf-tag-background-color  •  pdf-tag-border-color  •  pdf-tag-border-style  •  pdf-tag-border-thickness  •  pdf-tag-color  •  pdf-tag-list-numbering  •  pdf-tag-placement  •  pdf-tag-table-colspan  •  pdf-tag-table-headers  •  pdf-tag-table-rowspan  •  pdf-tag-table-scope  •  pdf-tag-table-summary  •  pdf-tag-text-align  •  pdf-tag-type
See:li ul

The ol tag displays an ordered, or numbered, list. The numbering style is determined by the marker-type attribute, and defaults to "decimal". Use the li tag to designate the individual list items.

The start attribute may optionally be set to indicate the starting number for the list. The default is 1.

The "type" attribute from HTML is not supported. Instead, use the marker-type attribute.

<ol start="3" marker-type="decimal">
<li>Element 3</li>
<li>Element 4</li>
<li>Element 5</li>