Package org.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.feature
Contains a list of all the features that are available to the PDFViewer. See the viewer tutorial for more information on how to use this package.
Interface Summary Interface Description AreaSelectionAction A type of feature that will perform an action on an area selected with theSelectArea
feature.RemoteControl.RemoteControlProvider An interface which should be implemented by the Provider for the RemoteControl class.TextSelectionAction A type of feature that works with theTextTool
feature.ThumbnailPanel.ThumbnailSelectionAction This interface should be implemented by anyViewerFeature
that should be available as an action on theThumbnailPanel.View
, either by the popup menu or by keypress. -
Class Summary Class Description About Create a simple "About" dialog displaying information about the PDFViewer and the runtime environment.AbstractRegionSelector An abstract superclass for any widgets that require a region to be selected.ActiveWindowMenu A special feature to enable the list of open windows under the "Window" menu.AnnotationAdd AnAbstractRegionSelector
that allows new annotations to be added to the PDF Page.AnnotationAddLine A feature that allows new line annotations to be drawn directly onto the PDF Page.AnnotationEllipseFactory Create annotations that handle EllipseAnnotationShape
objects.AnnotationLineFactory Create annotations that handle LineAnnotationShape
objects.AnnotationLinkFactory Create annotations that handleAnnotationLink
objects.AnnotationNoteFactory Create annotations that handleAnnotationNote
objectsAnnotationRectangleFactory Create annotations that handle RectangleAnnotationShape
objects.AnnotationSoundFactory Create annotations that handleAnnotationSound
objectsAnnotationStampFactory Create annotations that handleAnnotationStamp
objects.AnnotationTextCalloutFactory Create annotations that handleAnnotationText
objects with callouts.AnnotationTextFactory Create annotations that handleAnnotationText
objects (without callouts).BackgroundSignatureVerifier This feature will cause signatures in the PDF to be verified automatically when a PDF is loaded by the viewer, using a thread that runs transparently in the background.BackgroundTextExtractor This feature will cause text to be extracted automatically when a PDF is loaded by the viewer.Close Create a "File : Close" menu item to close the current document.ContinuousPageView This Widget changes theDocumentViewport
of the currentDocumentPanel
to aMultiPageDocumentViewport
.Coordinates Creates aJLabel
which displays the total number of pages on the Toolbar.CropPage DesktopSupport This feature can be added to the viewer in Java 9 or later to make the viewer player nicely with the Desktop, Taskbar and so on.DragAndDrop A feature which will add the ability to drag and drop files into the PDFViewer in a standard way.DragScroll This widget allows the document to be dragged and scrolled.DualPageView This Widget changes theDocumentViewport
of the currentDocumentPanel
to aDualPageDocumentViewport
.EditMenu This features adds an "Edit" menu to the application, which provides a familiar interface for those components allowing cut, copy, paste and text selection in the viewer - although those actions will still be available if this feature is not added to the viewer.EmbeddedFilePanel Create aSidePanel
that will display a list of embedded files in the PDF.Export Create a button that will open a dialog allowing the PDF to be saved to disk in a non-PDF format (eg TIFF or plain Text).FormBarCodeWidgetFactory Create annotations to handleWidgetAnnotation
objects belonging to aFormBarCode
.FormBlankSignatureWidgetFactory Create annotations to handleWidgetAnnotation
objects belonging to unsignedFormSignature
fields.FormButtonWidgetFactory Create annotations to handleWidgetAnnotation
objects belonging to aFormButton
.FormChoiceWidgetFactory Create annotations to handleWidgetAnnotation
objects belonging to aFormChoice
.FormImportDataActionHandler Create an action handler to deal with "FormImportData"PDFAction
.FormRadioButtonWidgetFactory Create annotations to handleWidgetAnnotation
objects belonging toFormRadioButton
objects.FormResetActionHandler Create a handler to handler "FormReset" actions.FormSignedSignatureWidgetFactory Create annotations to handleWidgetAnnotation
objects belonging to signedFormSignature
fields.FormSubmitActionHandler Create a handler to handler "FormSubmit" actions.FormTextWidgetFactory Create annotations to handleWidgetAnnotation
objects belonging to aFormText
.FullScreenMode Create a menu item that will display the Document in "Full Screen" mode.GenericNamedActionHandler Create an action handler to handle "Named" actions.GoToActionHandler Create an action handler for "GoTo" actions and the named actions that move between pages.HighlightSelectionAction AMarkupSelectionAction
that will create an HighlightAnnotationMarkup
on the selected text.ImageImporter Info Create a button and menu item to display information about the PDF.InvisiblySignDocument Creates a new, invisibleFormSignature
field and then sign it.KeyStoreSignatureProvider ASignatureProvider
that signs and verifies signatures from aKeyStoreManager
(ie from a localKeyStore
.ManageIdentities Create a button that opens a dialog to manage digital identities.MarkupSelectionAction ATextSelectionAction
that will create anAnnotationMarkup
of the specified type on the selected text.Menus A special feature to enable the Menubar.MultiWindow A special feature to enable internal frames inside the viewer.NavigationWidget Abstract superclass of navigation widgets that track the currently displayed page.NetworkSave Create a button that will submit a PDF to a network URL.Open Create a button and menu item to load a document from the filesystem.OpenRecent This feature adds a most-recently-used menu listing the n most recently opened documents.OpenSystem Create a button that opens the file with the method.OutlinePanel Create aSidePanel
that will display the document bookmarks, as returned byPDF.getBookmarks()
.PageFirst Create a button to jump to the first page.PageLast Create a button to jump to the last page.PageNext Create a button to jump to the next page.PageNumber Create a widget that displays the current page number, and allows the user to enter a new pagenumber for display.PagePrevious Create a button that jumps to the previous page.PDFExporter A subclass of Exporter that handles exporting a PDF as a PDF file.PDFImporter A subclass ofImporter
that allows PDF files to be loaded into the viewer.Print Create a button that opens a print dialog.PrintSystem Create a button that opens the system print dialog.Quit Create a menu item that will quit the application - ie. it callsSystem.exit(0)
.RedactSelectionAction ATextSelectionAction
that will redact the selected area of the PDF using theRedactor
class.RemoteControl The RemoteControl feature provides remote control of the PDFViewer.RotateAntiClockwise Create a button that will rotate the page 90 degrees anticlockwise.RotateClockwise Create a button that will rotate the page 90 degrees clockwise.Save Create a button that will allow the PDF to be saved to disk.Save.SaveFileChooser Extends the abomination that is JFileChooser to allow an options panel in the main dialog.SaveAs Create a button that will open a dialog allowing the PDF to be saved to disk.SearchField Create a widget that displays a Search field in the Toolbar.SearchPanel Creates aSidePanel
that displays search results.SearchPanel.Field A subclass of JTextField customized for searching - it has a setProgress() method to report the progress of the search, and an icon in the backgroundSearchPanel.Results This class is the SidePanel returned by the parent factory, and represents the search results panel.SelectArea AnAbstractRegionSelector
that allows a rectangular to be selected for PDF operations.ShowConsole Create a menu item to display the JavaScript ConsoleShowHideActionHandler Handles the "ShowWidget" and "HideWidget" types ofPDFAction
.SignatureCapture A feature which can be used to capture a handwritten signature on a Smartphone (iPhone, iPad or Android).SignaturePanel Create aSidePanel
that will display a list of Digital Signatures in the PDF.SinglePageView This Widget changes theDocumentViewport
of the currentDocumentPanel
to aSinglePageDocumentViewport
.SoundActionHandler Create a handler to handler "Sound" actions.SplashScreen Create a splash screen which displays an "About" dialog when the PDFViewer is first displayed.StrikeOutSelectionAction AMarkupSelectionAction
that will create an StrikeOutAnnotationMarkup
on the selected text.TextCopyAction ATextSelectionAction
that will copy the selected text to the System clipboard.TextExporter A subclass ofExporter
that handles saving a PDF as a Text file.TextHighlighter A feature that allows the highlighting of text in the viewer.TextSelection This class is a transparent panel which is laid overtop of the PagePanel.TextSelection.Range A Range represents a selected range ofPageExtractor.Text
items.TextSelection.RangeList ARangeList
is a read-only list ofRange
objects.TextTool This widget allows text to be selected from the DocumentViewport.ThumbnailCopyAction Store a copy of the currently selected pages in the thumbnail panel for a subsequent move operation.ThumbnailCutAction Store the currently selected pages in the thumbnail panel for a subsequent move operation.ThumbnailDeleteAction This feature will allow pages to be deleted via theThumbnailPanel
.ThumbnailExtractAction This feature will allow pages to be extracted to a new Document via theThumbnailPanel
.ThumbnailPanel Creates aSidePanel
that displays the page thumbnails.ThumbnailPanel.SinglePagePanel AJPanel
representing a single page image.ThumbnailPanel.ThumbnailSidePanel This type ofSidePanel
is returned from a call toThumbnailPanel.createSidePanel()
.ThumbnailPanel.View This class is the JPanel containing all the thumbnails.ThumbnailPasteAction Moves the pages that have previously been stored with a cut operation to before the currently selected page in the thumbnail panel, and clears the list of such pages.TIFFExporter A subclass ofExporter
that handles saving a PDF as a TIFF file.ToolbarDisabling A special feature that creates a menu option allowing the user to enable or disable toolbars.ToolbarFloating A special feature that allows the toolbars to float or not.Toolbars A special feature that creates the toolbars in thePDFViewer
.TotalPages Creates aJLabel
which displays the total number of pages on the Toolbar.UnderlineSelectionAction AMarkupSelectionAction
that will create an UnderlineAnnotationMarkup
on the selected text.Undo This features adds an "Undo" and "Redo" entry to the Edit menu, which interfaces with theDocumentPanel.fireUndoableEditEvent(javax.swing.event.UndoableEditEvent)
method to provide undo/redo across the Document.URLActionHandler Create an action handler for "URL" actions, which will attempt to open a URL in the system web browser.WarningNotifier This feature can be used to hook into the logging subsystem and display warnings which would be sent to Log4J or the java.util.logging package.XFA A class which suppressed warnings about missing XFA support in the PDF Viewer when JavaScript is supported.ZoomFit Creates a button/menu item which zooms the Document to fit the current viewport.ZoomFitHeight Creates a menu item which zooms the Document to fit it's height the current viewport.ZoomFitWidth Creates a button/menu button which zooms the Document to fit the width to the current viewport.ZoomIn Creates a button which will zoom the document in to the next level.ZoomLevel Create a widget which displays the current zoom level, and allows the user to edit it to set the zoom level.ZoomOut Create a button which zooms the document out to the next level.ZoomSelection Creates a button which will zoom the document to a selected region