Class FormSignature

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class FormSignature
    extends FormElement

    This class represents a public key "Digital Signature" which can be used to sign a PDF document. Signatures from existing documents can be verified and new signatures can be added.

    Signatures may be applied and verified using the full version of Acrobat, but not Acrobat Reader. Verifying or creating a Signature requires a "Handler", both in our library and Acrobat. Acrobat 4 and 5 had "self-signed" signatures, and a plugin from VeriSign was available, but Acrobat 6 and later are supplied with a handler supporting full key management. Signatures targeting this handler can be created using an AcrobatSignatureHandlerFactory.

    Since version 2.0, the framework is in place to allow custom signature handlers to be written. This means that with the right SignatureHandler, the library can be used to create or verify any type of digital signature. The library is distributed with the AcrobatSignatureHandlerFactory, which we recommend using, as well as the older HANDLER_VERISIGN and HANDLER_SELFSIGN factories. All of these handlers use the standard KeyStore class supplied with Java, and do not necessarily need any third party libraries to work.

    A feature of PDF is that only a single STATE_PENDING signature can be applied to a PDF - ie. when saving a document, only a single signature may be applied. If multiple signatures must be applied then another signature may be added and the PDF saved again.

    So how do you use this class? The following examples show how to sign and verify documents using the supplied signature handlers.

    Verifying existing signatures

    To verify a document has been signed and not altered since signing, and to be sure of the signatory, three steps are required. These three steps apply to any type of digital signature, not just PKI (Public Key Infrastuction) signatures, but for these examples we'll focus on the PKI signatures only.

    1. You must verify that content of the document matches the signature
    2. You must verify that the signature covers the whole document
    3. You must verify that the key used to sign the document belongs to who it says it does

    First, verifying that the signature matches the document content is done using the verify() method. This can be done like so:

     PDF pdf = new PDF(new PDFReader(new FileInputStream(args[0])));
     Map elements = pdf.getForm().getElements();
     for (Iterator i=elements.values().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
        FormElement e = (FormElement);
        if (e instanceof FormSignature && ((FormSignature)e).verify()) {
           System.out.println("Signature from "+sig.getName()+" matches PDF checksum");

    Second, you must verify that the signature covers the latest revision of the document - otherwise the document could have been altered after signing (see the PDFReader class documentation for more information about revisions). To verify the signature covers the latest revision, you need to compare the value of PDF.getNumberOfRevisions() with the value of getNumberOfRevisionsCovered(). Something like this should do it:

     int pdfrevision = pdf.getNumberOfRevisions();
     int sigrevision = signature.getNumberOfRevisionsCovered();
     if (pdfrevision == sigrevision) {
         System.out.println("Whole document is covered");

    At this point you know the signature covers the whole document, and that the document hasn't been changed since signing. You then need to confirm that the PDF really was signed by the name on the signature. The handlers supplied with this library are all based on PKCS#7, and contain a chain of X.509 certificates which should be verified. A full discussion of Public Key Infrastructure could fill a book in itself, so instead we'll show you how to get the certificates and how to verify them against a keystore.

    Each Java distribution comes with a list of CA certificates which are used to verify signed JAR files, but if your signature is signed by one of those CA's we can also use it to verify the signature (if not, you can supply your own keystore with CA certificates - the principle is the same). The certificates are accessed via the PKCS7SignatureHandler.getCertificates() method, and the isValidCertificate method used to perform some basic validation if you want to check the certificates yourself. Here we use the verifyCertificates method to confirm the certificates are valid and signed by a CA:

     PDF pdf = new PDF(new PDFReader(new FileInputStream(args[0])));
     KeyStore ca = FormSignature.loadDefaultKeyStore(); // Load CA certificates
     for (Iterator i=pdf.getForm().getElements().values().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
        FormElement e = (FormElement);
        if (e instanceof FormSignature) {
           FormSignature sig = (FormSignature)e;
           if (sig.getSignatureHandler() instanceof PKCS7SignatureHandler) {
              PKCS7SignatureHandler handler = (PKCS7SignatureHandler)sig.getSignatureHandler();
              Calender when = sig.getSignDate();
              X509Certificate[] certs = handler.getCertificates();
              if (FormSignature.verifyCertificates(certs, ca, null, when) == null) {
                 System.out.println("Certificates for "+sig.getName()+" verified");
           } else {
              System.out.println("Not a PKCS#7 public-key signature!");

    Signing documents

    A single signature can be applied to a PDF document by adding the signature to the PDF documents Form. Here's an example:

     PDF pdf = new PDF();
     KeyStore keystore = loadMyKeyStore();  // Somehow load a keystore
     String alias = "mykey";
     char[] password = "secret".toCharArray();
     SignatureHandlerFactory factory = new AcrobatSignatureHandlerFactory();
     FormSignature sig = new FormSignature(keystore, alias, password, factory);
     pdf.getForm().addElement("Test Signature", sig);

    This slightly oversimplified example demonstrates two things. One, that the private key and its associated certificates used to sign a document must be loaded from a KeyStore, and two, that you must specify the signature handler that will be used to verify the document in Acrobat.

    Since Acrobat 6.0, theoretically any PKCS#7 signature can be verified without an external plugin - simply use the AcrobatSignatureHandlerFactory factory. Prior to Acrobat 6, the situation is more complex - you must create a signature for a specific handler (typically using HANDLER_SELFSIGN or HANDLER_VERISIGN).

    Finally to get you started, here is a complete example showing how to create a PDF that can be verified in Acrobat 6.0 or later. Rather than type all this out we suggest you take a look at the "" example supplied with the package, which does all this and more.

    1. Create a self-signed key using the "keytool" program supplied with the JDK. The following command will create a 1024-bit RSA key plus certificate in the file "mykeystore". You'll be prompted for a password.
       keytool -genkey -alias mykey -keyalg RSA -sigalg MD5withRSA \
                  -keystore mykeystore.jks -dname 'C=UK, O=YourOrganization, CN=YourName'
    2. The following code can be used to create a blank PDF which is digitally signed with this key.

       import org.faceless.pdf2.*;
       public static void TestSign {
           static final String KEYFILE  = "mykeystore.jks";       // Keystore filename
           static final String KEYALIAS = "mykey";                // Alias for private key
           static final char[] PASSWORD = "secret".toCharArray(); // Password
           public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
               PDF pdf = new PDF();
               PDFPage page = pdf.newPage("A4");
               KeyStore keystore = KeyStore.getInstance("JKS");
               keystore.load(new FileInputStream(KEYFILE), PASSWORD);
               SignatureHandlerFactory factory = new AcrobatSignatureHandlerFactory();
               FormSignature sig = new FormSignature(keystore, KEYALIAS, PASSWORD, factory);
               pdf.getForm().addElement("Test Signature", sig);
               pdf.render(new FileOutputStream("Signed.pdf"));
    3. Run the program - it creates "Signed.pdf" which can be verified in Acrobat 6.0 or greater.

       java TestSign

    More information on digital signatures is available in the userguide.

    See Also:
    AcrobatSignatureHandlerFactory, PKCS7SignatureHandler
    • Field Detail


        public static final int CERTIFICATION_ALLOWFORMS
        A value that can be passed in to setCertificationType(int, java.lang.String) and returned from getCertificationType() to indicate that the signature will be a certifying signature that allows only form fill-in actions on the Document. Specifically, existing form fields can be modified, but the position of those fields cannot be changed, and no fields can be added or deleted (this includes adding new signatures, although pre-existing blank signature fields can be signed). Other annotations cannot be changed. A legal attestation is recommended if this type of certification is used.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int CERTIFICATION_ALLOWCOMMENTS
        A value that can be passed in to setCertificationType(int, java.lang.String) and returned from getCertificationType() to indicate that the signature will be a certifying signature that allows only commenting and form fill-in actions on the Document. Specifically, existing form fields can have their values modified and the position of their annotations can be changed. New signature fields can be added, but other types of field cannot and no fields can be deleted. Other types of annotation can be added or deleted. A legal attestation is recommended if this type of certification is used.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final SignatureHandlerFactory HANDLER_SELFSIGN
        There is no need to use this handler. Use an AcrobatSignatureHandlerFactory instead.

        A type of handler representing the Adobe "self-sign" signature handler supplied with Acrobat 4.x and 5.x. Keys must use the RSA algorithm and may be any length (we've tested 512, 1024 and 2048-bit keys). Certificates must use the MD5/RSA signature algorithm. Obviously the certificate associated with the key must be self-signed, and Acrobat also insists that the country code, if specified, must be exactly 2 letters long.

        Self-sign signatures are limited in that only certificates in the viewing users "Personal Address Book" are considered to be trusted - a Certifying Authority is not used. Certificates may be added to the address book if they're not already there, and provided they are confirmed (by manually checking the serial number with the issuer), this handler does most of what is required of a PKI system.

        Documents signed with this handler can be verifed in Acrobat 4, 5 and 6 out of the box. Note that unless you're specifically targeting Acrobat 5.0 or earlier you should use HANDLER_ACROBATSIX instead.

        2.0 (prior to 2.0 this constant existed, but was an integer)

        public static final SignatureHandlerFactory HANDLER_VERISIGN
        There is no need to use this handler. Use an AcrobatSignatureHandlerFactory instead.

        A type of handler representing the VeriSign "Document Signer" digital signature handler available for Acrobat 4.x and 5.x. Keys must use the RSA algorithm and may be any length, but must be signed by a VeriSign CA key or they will be considered invalid by the VeriSign plugin. VeriSign also distribute an "Administrator Tool" which allows you to set your own list of trusted certificates, although we haven't tested this functionality.

        The plugin itself is available from the VeriSign website as a free download. Details on how to use and install the plugin are also available from this site.

        The VeriSign test certificate we worked with was MD5/RSA, and we expect that all keys that work with this plugin must use this algorithm.

        Documents signed with this handler can be verifed in Acrobat 4, 5 with the VeriSign plugin, and Acrobat 6 out of the box. Note that unless you're specifically targeting Acrobat 5.0 or earlier you should use HANDLER_ACROBATSIX instead.

        2.0 (prior to 2.0 this constant existed, but was an integer)

        public static final SignatureHandlerFactory HANDLER_ACROBATSIX

        A type of handler representing the general purpose PKI signature plugin supplied with Acrobat 6.0 and later. This handler (which has the Filter name "Adobe.PPKLite") is an instanceof of AcrobatSignatureHandlerFactory, and while it can be used, for maximum flexiblity we recommend creating your own instance of that class and setting whichever options you required.

        Documents signed with this handler can only be verifed in Acrobat 6 or later. Unless you're specifically targetting Acrobat 5.0 or earlier, we recommend always using this handler instead of HANDLER_SELFSIGN or HANDLER_VERISIGN.


        public static final int STATE_SIGNED
        This value is returned from the getState() method if the signature is "old" - the PDF document that was read in was already signed with this signature. The signature may be validated, but will not be exported again if the document is resaved.
        See Also:
        STATE_PENDING, STATE_BLANK, getState(), Constant Field Values

        public static final int STATE_PENDING
        This value is returned from the getState() method if the signature is "new" - it has been added to the document and is waiting for the document to be completed before it is applied. Only one "pending" signature may currently be applied to each document.
        See Also:
        STATE_SIGNED, STATE_BLANK, getState(), Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • FormSignature

        public FormSignature()
        Create a new blank digital signature field. The field may have a signature applied to it at a later date, either by this library or by Acrobat
      • FormSignature

        public FormSignature​(KeyStore keystore,
                             String alias,
                             char[] password,
                             SignatureHandlerFactory factory)
                      throws GeneralSecurityException,
        Create a new pending digital signature to sign a PDF document. The private key and the certificates used to sign the PDF are contained in the specified keystore. This constructor is identical to calling:
           FormSignature sig = new FormSignature();
           sig.sign(keystore, alias, password, factory);
        keystore - the KeyStore containing the private key and a list of certificates to sign the document with
        alias - the alias or "friendly-name" which the private key is stored under in the keystore
        password - the password to unlock the private key
        factory - the digital signature handler that will be used to verify the signature. Probably one of HANDLER_SELFSIGN or HANDLER_VERISIGN
        GeneralSecurityException - if the keystore, private key, password or certificates are invalid in any way
        IllegalArgumentException - if the arguments are technically correct but will result in an invalid signature for any reason.
        2.0 (prior to 2.0 the last parameter was an integer)
    • Method Detail

      • registerHandlerForVerification

        public static void registerHandlerForVerification​(SignatureHandlerFactory factory)

        This method must be called to register a new SignatureHandlerFactory that can be used when verifying signatures, although it's not necessary for handlers that are only used for signing.

        When a signature is verified, the appropriate handler is chosen from the list of registered handlers by matching the "Filter" and "SubFilter" fields in the handler to those in the signature. By default, the HANDLER_VERISIGN, HANDLER_SELFSIGN and HANDLER_ACROBATSIX factories are the only three that are registered.

      • addAnnotation

        public WidgetAnnotation addAnnotation​(PDFPage page,
                                              float x1,
                                              float y1,
                                              float x2,
                                              float y2)

        Add an annotation for this Signature to the specified page at the specified location. Unlike other form elements, it is not necessary for a signature to have an annotation - those that don't are called "invisible" signatures in Acrobat. The annotation will take on the appearance defined by the SignatureHandler.getLayerAppearance() method.

        Note that Acrobat 9 and later will only support one annotation per signature.

        page - the page to place the annotation on
        x1 - the left-most X co-ordinate of the annotation
        y1 - the top-most Y co-ordinate of the annotation
        x2 - the right-most X co-ordinate of the annotation
        y2 - the bottom-most Y co-ordinate of the annotation
        a new WidgetAnnotation at the specified location
      • addAnnotation

        public WidgetAnnotation addAnnotation​(PDFPage page,
                                              float x1,
                                              float y1,
                                              float x2,
                                              float y2,
                                              PDFCanvas appearance)

        Add an annotation for this Signature to the specified page at the specified location, with the specified appearance. Unlike other form elements, it is not necessary for a signature to have an annotation - those that don't are called "invisible" signatures in Acrobat.

        Note that Acrobat 9 and later will only support one annotation per signature.

        page - the page to place the annotation on
        x1 - the left-most X co-ordinate of the annotation
        y1 - the top-most Y co-ordinate of the annotation
        x2 - the right-most X co-ordinate of the annotation
        y2 - the bottom-most Y co-ordinate of the annotation
        appearance - the PDFCanvas to use as the primary appearance of the signature.
        a new WidgetAnnotation at the specified location
      • sign

        public void sign​(KeyStore keystore,
                         String alias,
                         char[] password,
                         SignatureHandlerFactory factory)
                  throws GeneralSecurityException,
        Sign a STATE_BLANK digital signature. The private key and the certificates used to sign the PDF are contained in the specified keystore.
        keystore - the KeyStore containing the private key and a list of certificates to sign the document with
        alias - the alias or "friendly-name" which the private key is stored under in the keystore
        password - the password to unlock the private key
        factory - the digital signature handler that will be used to verify the signature. Probably one of HANDLER_SELFSIGN or HANDLER_VERISIGN
        GeneralSecurityException - if the keystore, private key, password or certificates are invalid in any way
        IllegalArgumentException - if the arguments are technically correct but will result in an invalid signature for any reason.
      • getState

        public int getState()
        Returns the current state of the signature. The state is either STATE_SIGNED for existing signatures, STATE_PENDING for new signatures that have been added, or STATE_BLANK for empty signature fields
      • setName

        public void setName​(String name)
        Set the name of the person or entity who is applying this signature. Setting this field is recommended but not necessary - for PKCS#7 signatures, it defaults to the Common Name (CN) of the signing certificate.
        name - the name of the entity signing the PDF, or null to clear the current name
        IllegalStateException - if this signature is STATE_BLANK
      • getName

        public String getName()
        Get the name of the person or entity that signed this PDF if that information is available, or null otherwise.
        IllegalStateException - if this signature is STATE_BLANK
      • setReason

        public void setReason​(String reason)
        Set the reason why the the document is being signed - e.g. "Approved for distribution". This field is optional.
        reason - the reason the entity is signing the document, or null to clear the current reason
        IllegalStateException - if this signature is STATE_BLANK
      • getReason

        public String getReason()
        Return the reason this signature was applied to the PDF if that information is available, or null otherwise.
        IllegalStateException - if this signature is STATE_BLANK
      • setLocation

        public void setLocation​(String location)
        Set the location where the signer is signing the PDF document - e.g. "Head Office". This field is optional.
        location - the location where the entity is signing the document, or null to clear the current location
        IllegalStateException - if this signature is STATE_BLANK
      • getLocation

        public String getLocation()
        Return the location where this document was signed if if that information is available, or null otherwise.
        IllegalStateException - if this signature is STATE_BLANK
      • setContactInfo

        public void setContactInfo​(String info)
        Set the contact information field for this signature. This information would typically be provided by the signer to enable a recipient to contact the signer to verify the signature. This field is optional.
        info - the contact information for this signature, or null to clear the current value
        IllegalStateException - if this signature is STATE_BLANK
      • getContactInfo

        public String getContactInfo()
        Return the contact information field for this signature if that information is available, or null otherwise.
        IllegalStateException - if this signature is STATE_BLANK
      • getSignDate

        public Calendar getSignDate()
        Return the time the signature was applied to the document. If the signature has been timestamped, this will be the date from the timestamp, otherwise it will be the date from the signature dictionary.
        the time the document was signed.
        IllegalStateException - if this signature isn't STATE_SIGNED
      • getFilter

        public String getFilter()
        Return the name of the digital signature handler used to sign the document. This is the value of the "Filter" field from the signature handler being used. Values could well be one of "Adobe.PPKLite", "VeriSign.PPKVS", "Entrust.PPKEF", "CICI.SignIt", "Gemtools.GemSign" or "Silanis.ApproveIt". This method is identical to calling getSignatureHandler().getFilter()
        IllegalStateException - if this signature is STATE_BLANK
        2.0 (was renamed from "getType" in 1.2.x release)
      • getSignatureHandler

        public SignatureHandler getSignatureHandler()
        Return the SignatureHandler that is used with this Signature, or null if the signature has not been signed yet (ie. the state is still STATE_BLANK).
      • setSignaturePolicy

        public void setSignaturePolicy​(SignaturePolicy policy)

        Set the SignaturePolicy that should be used when validating this Signature. The Signature Policy describes the set of conditions that must for the signature to remain valid when the PDF is modified after signing. Setting the policy in the signature changes nothing permanent - it just changes the policy that will be used the next time verify() is called.

        By default the policy is SignaturePolicy.getDefault(), and unless you have a good reason we suggest leaving that unchanged. However if you're trying to reproduce a validation that was made several years ago (ie. at the time of signing), an alternative policy can be used.

        See Also:
      • isVerifying

        public boolean isVerifying()
        Return true if the verify() method is currently running in another thread. verify() is not synchronized (as of 2.28) but can only be run in one thread at a time.
        See Also:
        verify(), cancelVerify()
      • verify

        public boolean verify()
                       throws GeneralSecurityException

        Verify a signature by ensuring that the PDF document hasn't been altered since it was signed. Only signatures with a state of STATE_SIGNED may be verified.

        Calling this method on a Certified signature causes additional checks to be run to confirm subsequent changes to the signature haven't invalidated the signature - if the signature checksum is valid but a subsequent modification to the file was disallowed, this method will return false.

        Note that this only ensures the document matches the checksum included in the signature object. To completely confirm the document is unaltered the signature object must be confirmed to belong to who it says it does. For the supplied handlers, this is done by checking the X.509 certificates returned by PKCS7SignatureHandler.getCertificates(), either manually or by calling the verifyCertificates method.

        Verification is synchronized internally, so before calling this method we suggest checking if a verify is already running with isVerifying(). Verification can be cancelled by calling cancelVerify(). Both these methods are new in 2.28

        true if the document is unaltered, false if the document has been altered since signing
        IllegalStateException - if the signature you're verifying isn't STATE_SIGNED, or if this method is running in another Thread.
        GeneralSecurityException - if the specified signing algorithm is unknown, or the certificate or key are invalid
        RuntimeException - wrapping an InterruptedException if the cancelVerify() method was called while verifying.
        See Also:
        isVerifying(), cancelVerify()
      • getNumberOfRevisionsCovered

        public int getNumberOfRevisionsCovered()
        Return the number of document revisions covered by this signature. A PDF document can be revised a number of times - for example, filling out a form in Acrobat and saving the document creates a new revision. Every revision of the document must be covered by a signature in order to be sure of the documents contents. See the PDFReader class for more information on document revisions, and the class documentation for this class for examples of how to validate a signature using this method.
        the number of revisions covered by this signature (always greater than or equal to one since version 2.7 of this library) or zero if the signature doesn't cover any (in which case it should be discounted)
        IllegalArgumentException - if the signature is not signed yet (ie. does not have a state of STATE_SIGNED)
      • getByteRangeCovered

        public long[] getByteRangeCovered()

        Return the bytes of the PDF file covered by this signature. The returned array is theoretically any multiple of four, long, but in practice should always be four bytes, with the first byte "0", the second byte the start of the signature block - 1, the third byte the end of the signature block + 1 and the last byte the length of the revision coverered by this signature (for a file with a single revision, this will be the length of the file).

        These requirements are verified as part of the getNumberOfRevisionsCovered() method, which is the method you should call if you're trying to verify the file. It's anticipated that ths method will be more useful for those trying to insert a signature into the PDF after it's been created, asynchronously:

         long[] range = signature.getByteRangeCovered();
         long offset = range[1] + 1;
         long len = range[2] - range[1];
         // insert signature bytes between off and off+len
      • verifyCertificates

        public static X509Certificate verifyCertificates​(X509Certificate[] certs,
                                                         KeyStore keystore,
                                                         CRL crl,
                                                         Calendar signdate)
                                                  throws GeneralSecurityException
        Verify a list of X.509 certificates against a list of trusted certificates.

        The X.509 certificate(s) used to sign the document are verified and compared against the certificates in the keystore, which are assumed to be trusted. An optional Certificate Revocation List may be specified with a list of compromised certificates.

        The method returns the first certificate specified in the PDF that cannot be verified. If every certificate in the chain is verified and the final certificate is signed by a certificate in the specified keystore, the entire chain is considered valid and this method returns null.

        The specified keystore may be the result of loadDefaultKeyStore(), or a user specified keystore. The CRL may be (and usually is) null.

        Note that self-signed certificates (as created by the Adobe Self-Sign handler) will generally fail, as they cannot be verified against a trusted root certificate. The only exception to this is if you're verifying against a keystore returned from loadAKFKeyStore( or loadFDFKeyStore(, containing a certificate that was exported from Acrobat.

        Also note that unless you personally trust every entity (represented by a certificate) in the chain to issue certificates responsibly, verifying the chain integrity is worthless.

        We are happy to provide source code to this method - ask if you need it.

        certs - the X509Certificate list to verify. Usually this is the return result from PKCS7SignatureHandler.getCertificates()
        keystore - the KeyStore containing one or more trusted certificates to verify the certificate chain against.
        crl - the Certificate Revocation List to check the certificates against. May be null.
        signdate - the date the documents was signed. Usually the output of getSignDate()
        the first certificate in the chain that couldn't be verified, or null if all were verified against a certificate from the keystore.
        GeneralSecurityException - if the KeyStore or any of the certificates are invalid.
        See Also:
        PKCS7SignatureHandler.getCertificates(), loadAKFKeyStore(, loadFDFKeyStore(, loadPKCS7KeyStore(, loadDefaultKeyStore()
      • isValidCertificate

        public static boolean isValidCertificate​(X509Certificate cert,
                                                 CRL crl,
                                                 Date signdate)
        Return true if the specified X.509 Certificate is valid for the specified date, has not been revoked and has no unknown critical extensions. The code looks like:
         try {
           return !cert.hasUnsupportedCriticalExtensions() && (crl==null || !crl.isRevoked(cert));
         } catch (Exception e) { return false; }
        cert - the X.509 certificate to verify
        crl - the Certificate Revokation List to search - may be null
        signdate - the date the certificate was used for signing
      • loadDefaultKeyStore

        public static KeyStore loadDefaultKeyStore()
                                            throws GeneralSecurityException
        Return the default Java keystore to validate keys against. This is the same keystore used to verify signed JAR files, and is distributed with most versions of Java. It includes the public certificates for several certifying authorities - in our version (Sun JDK1.3.1), VeriSign and Thawte.
        GeneralSecurityException - if the default keystore cannot be loaded - an unlikely situation
      • loadTrustedKeyStore

        public static KeyStore loadTrustedKeyStore()
                                            throws GeneralSecurityException

        Return a KeyStore containing various trusted roots that are widely approved by national or multi-national bodies. Currently this contains the various root certificates granted the ability to sign qualified or unqualified signatures, timestamps and OCSP responses under the eiDAS regulations. More may be added at some point.

        This list will be kept up to date by BFO, but is not relied upon internally for any cryptographic process. It is referenced when we are trying to build a certificate chain when signing - if the chain stops at one of these certificates, no warning about a truncated certificate chain is printed.

      • getIssuerField

        public static String getIssuerField​(X509Certificate cert,
                                            String field)
                                     throws CertificateException

        Return the specified X.500 field from the specified X.509 certificates Issuer.

        Each X.509 certificate has two entities - a subject and an issuer. These are represented in java by the Principal class, but unfortunately that class doesn't allow for extraction of the various elements from the entity - elements like Common Name, Country, Organization etc.

        The getIssuerField(, java.lang.String) and getSubjectField(, java.lang.String) methods aren't specific to digital signatures or PKCS#7, but are useful "utility" methods that fill that gap in functionality.

        cert - the X.509 certificate to extract the Issuer from
        field - the field to return. Can be one of "C" (country), "CN" (common name), "O" (organization"), "OU" (organization unit), "L" (locale), "ST" (state or province) or "Email" (email address - although technically not part of X.500 this is sometimes included)
        the requested field, or null if the field is not part of the X.500 name.
      • getSubjectField

        public static String getSubjectField​(X509Certificate cert,
                                             String field)
                                      throws CertificateException

        Return the specified X.500 field from the specified X.509 certificates Subject. See the getIssuerField(, java.lang.String) method for more information.

        cert - the X.509 certificate to extract the Issuer from
        field - the field to return. Can be one of "C" (country), "CN" (common name), "O" (organization"), "OU" (organization unit), "L" (locale), "ST" (state or province) or "Email" (email address - although technically not part of X.500 this is sometimes included)
        the requested field, or null if the field is not part of the X.500 name.
      • rebuild

        public void rebuild()
        Description copied from class: FormElement
        Cause the annotation list to be rebuilt. Unless you're rendering the annotation using the viewer, it's not necessary to call this method.
        rebuild in class FormElement
      • setRequiredTimestampServer

        public void setRequiredTimestampServer​(URI uri)
        Set the URI of the TimeStamp server that must be used when this (blank) signature is eventually signed.
        uri - the URI of the TimeStamp server to contact, or null if none is required.
      • setRequiredReasons

        public void setRequiredReasons​(String[] validreasons)
        Set the list of Reasons from which the user must choose when this (blank) signature is eventually signed.
        validreasons - an array of reasons that the user will have to choose from, or null to not require a reason to be specified.
      • setRequiredCertificateIssuers

        public void setRequiredCertificateIssuers​(X509Certificate[] certs)

        Set restrictions on which X.509 Certificates can be used when this (blank) signature is eventually signed. This method can be used to ensure that the identity used when signing was issued by a particular Certification Authority.

        For example, to ensure that a user was signing the PDF with an identity from your own in-house Certification Authority, you could use code like the following. The file "myca.cer" contains the X.509 Certificate of your CA.

         InputStream certstream = new FileInputSteram("myca.cer");
         CertificateFactory factory = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509");
         X509Certificate cert = (X509Certificate)factory.generateCertificate(certstream);
         sig.setRequiredCertificateIssuers(new X509Certificate[] { cert });
         URI uri = new URI("");
        certs - an array of X.509 Certificates of valid Certification Authorities, or null to accept any CA.
      • setRequiredCertificateSubjects

        public void setRequiredCertificateSubjects​(X509Certificate[] certs)
        Set restrictions on which X.509 Certificates can be used when this (blank) signature is eventually signed. This method can be used to ensure that only certain identities can be used when signing.
        subjects - an array of X.509 Certificates which are allowed to sign this signature, or null to accept a signature from anyone.
      • setRequiredDigestAlgorithms

        public void setRequiredDigestAlgorithms​(String[] algorithms)
        Set the list of allowable digest algorithms that can be used to sign this signature, or null to remove any existing restrictions.
        algorithms - an array of 1 or more names of digest algorithms, eg "SHA256", "SHA512"
        See Also:
      • getRequiredDigestAlgorithms

        public String[] getRequiredDigestAlgorithms()
        Return the list of allowable digest algorithms that can be used to sign this signature, or null if this is not specified.
        See Also:
      • getRequiredTimestampServer

        public URI getRequiredTimestampServer()
        Get the URI of the TimeStamp server that must be used when signing as set by setRequiredTimestampServer(, or null if none is specified
      • getRequiredCertificateFallbackURI

        public URI getRequiredCertificateFallbackURI()
        Return the URI to be used if the "issuers" and "subjects" Certificate restrictions are not met, as set by setRequiredCertificateFallbackURI(, or null if none were specified.
      • getValue

        public String getValue()
        As signatures do not have a "value" as such, this method always returns null.
        Specified by:
        getValue in class FormElement
      • toString

        public String toString()
      • putLiteral

        public void putLiteral​(String key,
                               String tokens)
        Put a literal token sequnce. For debugging
        key - the key
        tokens - the token sequence, eg "true" or "/foo" or "[/Foo/Bar]". No refs, just direct objects.