Class About

  • Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class About
    extends ViewerWidget
    Create a simple "About" dialog displaying information about the PDFViewer and the runtime environment.
    The following initialization parameters can be specified to configure this feature (since 2.11.23). Setting any one of these to the empty string will remove them from the dialog completely.
    IconThe URL of the Icon to display instead of the BFO logo - the image should be roughly 100 pixels wide
    TitleThe title to display (default is "Java PDF Viewer")
    MainThe main body to display. Default is the BFO Copyright message
    PDF LibraryThe version number of the PDF Library
    JavaThe version of Java in use
    JavaScriptThe JavaScript engine that's in use
    Licensed ToThe details of the license for the PDF Library
    ExpiryThe expiry date for the License
    MemoryThe amount of memory available to the JVM
    NoFeaturesIf set, the list of features will never be displayed
    The name of this feature is About

    This code is copyright the Big Faceless Organization. You're welcome to use, modify and distribute it in any form in your own projects, provided those projects continue to make use of the Big Faceless PDF library.

    • Constructor Detail

      • About

        public About()
      • About

        protected About​(String title)
    • Method Detail

      • putStaticProperty

        public static Object putStaticProperty​(String key,
                                               Object property)
        Add a property to the "About" dialog. This method is static, which means that properties set via this method will appear in all About dialogs created by this class and its subclasses. Keys that have alreay been set and may be overridden include:
        IconThe URL of the Icon to display in the dialog
        TitleThe Title displayed in the dialog
        MainThe main line of text
        PDF LibraryThe version of the PDF Viewer software
        JavaThe version of Java being run
        JavaScriptThe JavaScript implementation availabe to the Viewer
        Any one of these keys may be overriden or have their value set to null to suppress their display.
      • showAboutDialog

        public void showAboutDialog​(PDFViewer viewer,
                                    boolean featurelist,
                                    int autoclear)
        Show an "About" dialog in the viewer.
        viewer - the Viewer this about dialog relates to
        featurelist - whether to display the list of Features available to the viewer
        autoclear - the number of ms to wait before clearing the dialog. A value of 0 means the dialog must be clicked to close.