
import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.awt.Color;
import org.faceless.pdf2.*;

 * An example showing off the Unicode capabilities of the library. Loads
 * and displays a number of files in UTF-8 format.
 * The program requires a font, which can be passed in on the Command line.
 * If it's not specified, it defaults to a standard place to find it under
 * Windows 2K/NT.
public class Unicode
  // Which font to use to display the bulk of the text. We've opted for the Times-Roman
  // that comes with Windows 98 and later, which has the extended latin, arabic, hebrew
  // and cyrillic glyphs needed for this demonstration.
  private static String NORMALFONT = "C:\\WINDOWS\\FONTS\\TIMES.TTF";

  // The list of languages to use and their names. Note that Georgian (ISO code "ka") and
  // Thai (ISO code "th") are not included in this list, even though we have the translation,
  // because we haven't got a font with the required glyphs
  private static String[] langs = { "ar", "ca", "da", "de", "el", "en", "eo", "es", "fi", "fr", "ga", "he", "hu", "it", "ja", /*"ka",*/ "ko", "nl", "no-bok", "no-nyn", "oc", "pt-br", "pt-pt", "ro", "ru", "sl", "sv", /*"th",*/ "yi", "zh-cn", "zh-tw" };
  private static String[] names = { "Arabic", "Catalan", "Danish", "German", "Greek", "English", "Esperanto", "Spanish", "Finnish", "French", "Irish Gaelic", "Hebrew", "Hungarian", "Italian", "Japanese", /*"Georgian",*/ "Korean", "Dutch", "Norwegian (Bokmal)", "Norwegian (Nynorsk)", "Occitan", "Portuguese (Brazil)", "Portuguese (Portugal)", "Romanian", "Russian", "Slovakian", "Swedish", /*"Thai",*/ "Yiddish", "Chinese (Simplified)", "Chinese (Traditional)" };

  private static PDFFont opentypefont, builtinfont;

  public static void main(String[] args)
    throws IOException
    if (args.length>0) NORMALFONT = args[0];


    PDF pdf = new PDF();
    addPage(pdf, "Intro", "resources/utf8/intro.txt", getFont("intro"), 16, Locale.ENGLISH);

    // Add the language pages
    for (int i=0;i<langs.length;i++)
      String file = "resources/utf8/"+langs[i]+".txt";
      Locale locale;
      if (langs[i].indexOf('-')>=0) {
        locale = new Locale(langs[i].substring(0, langs[i].indexOf('-')), langs[i].substring(langs[i].indexOf('-')+1));
      } else {
        locale = new Locale(langs[i]);
      addPage(pdf, names[i], file, getFont(langs[i]), 24, locale);

    pdf.setLayout("OneColumn", "UseOutlines");
    pdf.setInfo("Subject", "Demonstration of Unicode functionality\nin the Big Faceless PDF Library");

    // Create the file
    OutputStream fo = new FileOutputStream("Unicode.pdf");

  // This routine adds the specified file to the specified PDF, in the specified
  // font and size.
  public static void addPage(PDF pdf, String title, String file, PDFFont font, float size, Locale l)
    throws IOException
    // Create a new page, and add a bookmark to it
    PDFPage page = pdf.newPage(PDF.PAGESIZE_A4);
    pdf.getBookmarks().add(new PDFBookmark(title, PDFAction.goTo(page)));

    // Create the header text
    PDFStyle style = new PDFStyle();
    style.setFont(new StandardFont(StandardFont.HELVETICAOBLIQUE), 18);
    page.drawText(title, 50, page.getHeight()-50);

    // Add gratuitous hyperlink back to our website
    style.setFont(new StandardFont(StandardFont.HELVETICAOBLIQUE), 10);
    page.beginText(50,50,page.getWidth()-50, 70);
    page.drawText("Created with the ");
    page.beginTextLink(PDFAction.goToURL(new java.net.URL("http://big.faceless.org/products/pdf")), PDFStyle.LINKSTYLE);
    page.drawText("Big Faceless PDF Library");

    // Create the body of the text. Be sure to set the working locale of the PDF
    // to the correct locale for the language. This changes various things, most of
    // them fairly subtle changes to do with default text-direction, line wrapping
    // styles etc.
    // After we set the locale, we create a brand new style so it will pick up any
    // text-direction changes implied by the locale. If we reused the same style we
    // defined above, all the text would be left-aligned (or whatever the default is
    // for Locale.ENGLISH), even hebrew and arabic!

    // Create a new style, in the specified font
    style = new PDFStyle();
    style.setFont(font, size);

    // Display the text on the page. First jump through the hoops Java sets us to
    // load files in UTF-8
    page.beginText(50,50,page.getWidth()-50, page.getHeight()-100);
    BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(file), "UTF-8"));
    String s;
    while ((s=r.readLine())!=null) {
      page.drawText(page.getStyle().getFont().requote(s,pdf.getLocale()) + "\n");

  //----------------------- UTILITY METHODS FROM HERE ON ----------------------------

  // Get the font to be used for the specified language
  private static PDFFont getFont(String lang)
    if (lang.equals("intro")) return builtinfont;

    // The following languages can use the built in fonts, as all the
    // characters they require are provided. Pretty much, anyway -
    // take a look at the Internationalization section of the userguide
    // for more info.
    String[] builtinfontok = { "en", "de", "fr", "es", "no", "sv", "da", "fi", "it", "pt", "ca", "eu", "nl", "sq", "et", "rm", "fo", "is", "ga", "gd", "af", "sw", "fy", "gl", "id", "in", "tl" };

    for (int i=0;i<builtinfontok.length;i++) {
      if (lang.startsWith(builtinfontok[i])) {
        return builtinfont;
    if (lang.startsWith("ja")) {
      return new StandardCJKFont(StandardCJKFont.HEISEIMIN, StandardCJKFont.REGULAR);
    } else if (lang.startsWith("ko")) {
      return new StandardCJKFont(StandardCJKFont.HYSMYEONGJO, StandardCJKFont.REGULAR);
    } else if (lang.equals("zh-tw") || lang.equals("zh-hk")) {
      return new StandardCJKFont(StandardCJKFont.MSUNG, StandardCJKFont.REGULAR);
    } else if (lang.equals("zh-cn") || lang.equals("zh-sg")) {
      return new StandardCJKFont(StandardCJKFont.STSONG, StandardCJKFont.REGULAR);
    } else {
      return opentypefont;

  // Initialize the fonts to be used
  private static void init()
    throws IOException
    // Load the Font to be used for most of the examples. If you get an error
    // here, you probably haven't changed the NORMALFONT String to point to
    // the TrueType font file you want to use (we don't supply one with this library).
    InputStream in = new FileInputStream(NORMALFONT);
    opentypefont = new OpenTypeFont(in, 2);
    builtinfont = new StandardFont(StandardFont.TIMES);