Determine which bar code format to use. Valid values are:
code-39 | Use the "Code 3 of 9" barcode |
code-39 checksum | Use the "Code 3 of 9" barcode with a checkdigit |
code-39x | Use the "Extended Code 3 of 9" barcode |
code-39x checksum | Use the "Extended Code 3 of 9" barcode with a checkdigit |
code-25 | Use the "Interleaved code 2 of 5" barcode |
code-25 checksum | Use the "Interleaved code 2 of 5" barcode with a checkdigit |
code-128 | Use the "Code 128" barcode |
codabar | Use the "Codabar" barcode |
ean-13 | Use the "EAN-13" barcode |
upc-a | Use the "UPC-A" barcode |
postnet | Use the "PostNet" barcode |
rm4scc | Use the "Royal Mail 4-state Customer Code" barcode |
auspost4s | Use the "Australia Post 4-state" barcode |
intelligentmail | Use the "IntelligentMail" barcode |
code-25 deutschenpost | Use the Deutschen Post "Identcode" or "Leitcode" barcode |
maxicode | Use the "MaxiCode" 2-dimensional symbol |
pdf417 | Use the "PDF-417" stacked symbol |
qrcode | Use the "QR-Code" 2-dimensional symbol |
datamatrix | Use the "Data Matrix" 2-dimensional symbol |
aztec | Use the "Aztec Code" 2-dimensional symbol |
databar | Use the GS1 "DataBar" barcode |
(Note spaces and hyphens are optional in the above names). Each algorithm has various restrictions on what can be displayed (for example, UPC-A must be 11 or 12 digits long). An error will be thrown if these restrictions are not adhered to.