Class HtmlDerivation

  • public class HtmlDerivation
    extends java.lang.Object

    The HtmlDerivation class can be used to derive an HTML document from PDF. It is an implementation of the PDF Association's experimental Deriving HTML from PDF algorithm, and as such has the following limitations:

    • The input must be a tagged PDF - ideally compliant with PDF/UA-1 or PDF/UA-2
    • The output will match the requirements of that specification by default, although this may be changed with options

    With a compliant PDF, usage is trivial. However the phrase "garbage in, garbage out" applies very strongly to this conversion. The input PDF is expected to be tagged correctly, using tags defined in the PDF specification, and even PDFs that meet this requirement will very seldom include the full set of style attributes. The more data that is included, the better the HTML derivation will be.

    PDF pdf = ...
    PDFParser parser = new PDFParser(pdf);
    HtmlDerivation html = parser.getHtmlDerivation();

    The setOption(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object...) method can be used to control the derivation process. As the specifiation is expected to evolve over time the API is flexible and options are specified as strings. The current list of options can be retrieved by calling getOptions() - on a new HtmlDerivation object, these will be the default values. The full list of options available is:

    layout-property-never-NNN Never generate CSS properties from the specific PDF Layout: attribute, eg layout-property-never-TextIndent will prevent Layout:TextIndent from being converted into a CSS property.
    layout-properties-never Never generate CSS properties from PDF Layout: attributes
    layout-properties-always Always generate CSS properties from PDF Layout: attributes
    layout-properties-if-no-stylesheet Generate CSS properties from PDF Layout: attributes only if there are no stylesheets attached to the PDF
    intrinsic-properties-never Never generate CSS properties based on the style in use when the text is drawn on the page.
    intrinsic-properties-always Always generate CSS properties based on the style in use when the text is drawn on the page.
    intrinsic-properties-if-no-stylesheet Generate CSS properties from the style in use when the text is drawn on the page, but only if there are no stylesheets attached to the PDF
    cascade-layers Use an alternative method of styling elements with CSS cascade-layers.
    override-list-style-type Rather than the inline bullets currently recommended in the specification, use the normal CSS list-style-type attribute, possibly with a custom @counter-style, to style list bullets
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void derive()
      Derive an XHTML document DOM from the given PDF document.
      org.w3c.dom.Document getDocument()
      Return the Document generated by derive(), or null if it hasn't been generated yet
      java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> getEmbeddableMediaTypes()
      Return a list of Media Types that will be embedded directly into the output if found.
      java.util.List<java.lang.String> getOptions()
      Return the list of currently specified options
      boolean setOption​(java.lang.String option, java.lang.Object... params)
      Set an option that can be used to configure the output of the Html Derivation algorithm.
      void setOutputDirectory​( outputDirectory)
      Set the directory where the HtmlDerivation class should create files that are referenced from the HTML (currently, just images).
      void writeAsHTML​(java.lang.Appendable out)
      Write the specified document as HTML.
      void writeAsXHTML​(java.lang.Appendable out)
      Write the specified document as XHTML.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Method Detail

      • setOption

        public boolean setOption​(java.lang.String option,
                                 java.lang.Object... params)
        Set an option that can be used to configure the output of the Html Derivation algorithm. The API is intentionally generic to allow options to be added (or removed) over time without breaking API compatibility. For a list of valid options see the class API docs.
        option - the option
        params - an optional list of parameters, if required by the option
        true if the option was valid
      • getOptions

        public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getOptions()
        Return the list of currently specified options
      • getEmbeddableMediaTypes

        public java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> getEmbeddableMediaTypes()
        Return a list of Media Types that will be embedded directly into the output if found. The returned Collection is live and can be modified.
        a modifiable list of strings representing media types.
      • setOutputDirectory

        public void setOutputDirectory​( outputDirectory)
        Set the directory where the HtmlDerivation class should create files that are referenced from the HTML (currently, just images). If no directory is set, the images will be embedded as data URLs (the default)
        outputDirectory - the directory to write files to, or null to use "data" URLs
      • derive

        public void derive()
        Derive an XHTML document DOM from the given PDF document. The derived CSS will be directly contained in a style element as opposed to a link. This document can then be serialized to HTML with a <!DOCTYPE html> doctype declaration as part of a serialization step if required, using UTF-8 charset as specified.
        pdf - the PDF document to derive
      • getDocument

        public org.w3c.dom.Document getDocument()
        Return the Document generated by derive(), or null if it hasn't been generated yet
        the document
      • writeAsXHTML

        public void writeAsXHTML​(java.lang.Appendable out)
        Write the specified document as XHTML.
        out - the Appendable to write to
      • writeAsHTML

        public void writeAsHTML​(java.lang.Appendable out)
        Write the specified document as HTML.