Class AxesGraph

    • Field Detail

      • axesminx

        protected java.lang.Double axesminx
        Subclasses of AxesGraph can set the min and max values of the axes if they think they know best, or leave them set to NULL to allow the AxesGraph superclass to take it's best guess.
      • axesmaxx

        protected java.lang.Double axesmaxx
        Subclasses of AxesGraph can set the min and max values of the axes if they think they know best, or leave them set to NULL to allow the AxesGraph superclass to take it's best guess.
      • axesminy

        protected java.lang.Double axesminy
        Subclasses of AxesGraph can set the min and max values of the axes if they think they know best, or leave them set to NULL to allow the AxesGraph superclass to take it's best guess.
      • axesmaxy

        protected java.lang.Double axesmaxy
        Subclasses of AxesGraph can set the min and max values of the axes if they think they know best, or leave them set to NULL to allow the AxesGraph superclass to take it's best guess.
      • axesminz

        protected java.lang.Double axesminz
        Subclasses of AxesGraph can set the min and max values of the axes if they think they know best, or leave them set to NULL to allow the AxesGraph superclass to take it's best guess.
      • axesmaxz

        protected java.lang.Double axesmaxz
        Subclasses of AxesGraph can set the min and max values of the axes if they think they know best, or leave them set to NULL to allow the AxesGraph superclass to take it's best guess.
      • absolutemaxy

        protected double absolutemaxy
      • absoluteminy

        protected double absoluteminy
      • data

        protected org.faceless.graph.DataSet data
        The data array.
      • axesstyle

        protected Style axesstyle
      • zwallstyle

        protected Style zwallstyle
      • ywallstyle

        protected Style ywallstyle
      • xwallstyle

        protected Style xwallstyle
      • yaxestextstyle

        protected Style yaxestextstyle
      • xaxestextstyle

        protected Style xaxestextstyle
      • zaxestextstyle

        protected Style zaxestextstyle
      • xaxeslabelstyle

        protected Style xaxeslabelstyle
      • yaxeslabelstyle

        protected Style yaxeslabelstyle
      • boxstyle

        protected Style boxstyle
      • xformatter

        protected Formatter xformatter
        Which formatter to use for the X, Y or Z axis.
      • yformatter

        protected Formatter yformatter
        Which formatter to use for the X, Y or Z axis.
      • zformatter

        protected Formatter zformatter
        Which formatter to use for the X, Y or Z axis.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AxesGraph

        protected AxesGraph()
    • Method Detail

      • optionXAxisLabel

        public void optionXAxisLabel​(java.lang.String val)
        The label to give the X-Axis

        Default: <none>

      • optionYAxisLabel

        public void optionYAxisLabel​(java.lang.String val)
        The label to give the Y-Axis

        Default: <none>

      • optionXAxisLabelStyle

        public void optionXAxisLabelStyle​(Style val)
        Set the style to write the label for the X-Axis

        Default: Black 12pt Helvetica

      • optionYAxisLabelStyle

        public void optionYAxisLabelStyle​(Style val)
        Set the style to write the label for the Y-Axis

        Default: Black 12pt Helvetica

      • optionXAxisAtZero

        public void optionXAxisAtZero​(boolean val)
        If the Y-axis values go from -ve to +ve, whether to draw the X-Axis where y=0 or where y=min(y)

        Default: false except for the subclass LineGraph, which is true

      • optionYAxisAtZero

        public void optionYAxisAtZero​(boolean val)
        If the X-axis values go from -ve to +ve, whether to draw the Y-Axis where x=0 or where x=min(x)

        Default: false except for the subclass LineGraph, which is true

      • optionXStretchToZero

        public void optionXStretchToZero​(boolean val)
        Whether to always stretch the X axis to include zero. Some subclasses (e.g. AbstractBarGraph) may not allow you to set this value.

        Default: usually false, but depends on subclass

      • optionYStretchToZero

        public void optionYStretchToZero​(boolean val)
        Whether to always stretch the Y axis to include zero. Some subclasses (e.g. AbstractBarGraph) may not allow you to set this value.

        Default: usually false, but depends on subclass

      • optionFloorStyle

        public void optionFloorStyle​(Style val)
        What style, if any, to draw the grid on the floor of the graph (either where y=0 or y=min(y) - see optionXAxisAtZero). You can set the color and border color, or just set the border color for a grid on an otherwise transparent wall.

        Default: null

      • optionYWallStyle

        public void optionYWallStyle​(Style val)
        What style, if any, to draw the grid on the Y-Wall of the graph (either where x=0 or x=min(x) - see optionYAxisAtZero). You can set the color and border color, or just set the border color for a grid on an otherwise transparent wall.

        Default: null

      • optionZWallStyle

        public void optionZWallStyle​(Style val)
        What style, if any, to draw the grid on the back or Z-Wall of the graph. You can set the color and border color, or just set the border color for a grid on an otherwise transparent wall.

        Default: null

      • optionXAxisStyle

        public void optionXAxisStyle​(Style val)
        What Style to write the values on the X-Axis

        Default: Black 8pt Helvetica

      • optionYAxisStyle

        public void optionYAxisStyle​(Style val)
        What Style to write the values on the Y-Axis

        Default: Black 8pt Helvetica

      • optionZAxisStyle

        public void optionZAxisStyle​(Style val)
        What Style to write the values on the Z-Axis

        Default: Black 8pt Helvetica

      • optionYAxisTextRotation

        public void optionYAxisTextRotation​(double val)
        Whether to rotate the values on the X-Axis. Likely values are 0 (horizontal), 90 (vertical) or anything inbetween. This can also be set directly in the style passed to optionXAxisStyle

        Default: 0

      • optionXAxisTextRotation

        public void optionXAxisTextRotation​(double val)
        Whether to rotate the values on the Y-Axis. Likely values are 0 (horizontal), 90 (vertical) or anything inbetween. This can also be set directly in the style passed to optionYAxisStyle

        Default: 0

      • optionXFormatter

        public void optionXFormatter​(Formatter val)
        Which {link org.faceless.graph.formatter.Formatter} to use to format the values on the X axis. The default depends on the subclass and the data. To turn off the display of this axis, set to new NullFormatter

        Default: data and class dependent

      • optionYFormatter

        public void optionYFormatter​(Formatter val)
        Which {link org.faceless.graph.formatter.Formatter} to use to format the values on the Y axis. The default depends on the subclass and the data. To turn off the display of this axis, set to new NullFormatter

        Default: data and class dependent

      • optionZFormatter

        public void optionZFormatter​(Formatter val)
        Which {link org.faceless.graph.formatter.Formatter} to use to format the values on the Z axis. The default depends on the subclass and the data. To turn off the display of this axis, set to new NullFormatter

        Default: data and class dependent

      • optionBoxColor

        public void optionBoxColor​(java.awt.Color val)
        What color, if any, to draw the box around the content of the graph (excluding the values on the axes). Set to null for no box.

        Default: null

      • optionMinY

        public void optionMinY​(double val)
        The minimum value to plot on the Y axis. Set this to plot useful values for curves like tangents, that give infinite values at certain points, or to just plot the tops of Bar Graphs or Area Graphs.

        Note that if a data sample falls outside this value, that value will take precedence.

        Default: -Infinity for Line Graphs, zero for Bar Graphs and Area Graphs

        1.0.5 for BarGraphs
      • optionMaxY

        public void optionMaxY​(double val)
        The maximum value to plot on the Y axis. Set this to plot useful values for curves like tangents, that give infinite values at certain points, or extend the top of the graph beyond the maximum value of the data.

        Note that if a data sample falls outside this value, that value will take precedence.

        Default: +Infinity

        1.0.5 for BarGraphs
      • postcomplete

        protected void postcomplete()
        Description copied from class: Graph
        PostComplete is called by a Graph when it's rendered, but after complete. It should add any elements that are required but couldn't be calculated until after Graph.complete() (the axes in an axes graph are an example). The last thing it should do before returning is call super.postcomplete()
        postcomplete in class Graph
      • prescalecomplete

        protected void prescalecomplete()
      • postpostcomplete

        protected void postpostcomplete()
        Description copied from class: Graph
        The unfortunately named PostPostComplete is called last of all by a Graph when it's rendered, to add anything that couldn't quite be laid out correctly on the last pass - usually Text dependant on the position of other text. The last thing it should do before returning is call super.postpostcomplete()
        postpostcomplete in class Graph