
<?xml version="1.0"?>


$Id: graphs.xml.txt,v 2007-06-05 15:52:38 mike Exp $

This document shows a number of different styles and types of graph. 

The data for the graphs is inline in this example, but a look at the
source should reveal how easy it is to create inline graphs from a
JDBC query (for example).

Note also the reasonably heavy use of stylesheets. We've found that
due to the large number of attributes that can be set on each graph,
creating a standard "style" and referencing it using the class or id
attribute on the graph makes for much clearer documents.


<style type="text/css">

/**** Set some styles for the main elements in the document ****/
h2		{ font-size:1.2em; }
h3		{ font-size:1em; }
.graphtable td	{ margin:8; border:1; }
.caption	{ font-size:8pt; align:justify; }

/**** Now set various different styles for classes of graph ****/

.currency	{ yaxis-formatter:currency(); lang:en_GB; }

.plainwall	{ zwall-border-color:#F0F0F0; }

.linedate 	{ xaxis-formatter:date(); xaxis-formatter-density:sparse;
		  xaxis-align:left; xaxis-valign:top;
		  xaxis-rotate:30; zwall-border-color:#F0F0F0; 

.rotateline	{ xrotation:30; yrotation:30; zwall-border-color:#F0F0F0; }

.walled		{ ywall-border-color:black; zwall-color:#F0F0F0;
		  zwall-border-color:black; floor-color:#F0F0F0; floor-border-color:black;
		  bar-width:80%; bar-depth:80%;

.rotateaxes	{ xaxis-align:left; xaxis-valign:middle; xaxis-rotate:45; }

/**** Set some defaults for all the graphs *****/

piegraph	{ xrotation:30; yrotation:30; }

bargraph, depthbargraph, towerbargraph, multibargraph, floatingbargraph {
    xrotation:30; yrotation:30; xaxis-align:right; xaxis-valign:top; 

/**** Set some default colors - all shades of gray, good for printing ****/

bargraph, depthbargraph, towerbargraph, linegraph, piegraph, areagraph, multibargraph, floatingbargraph {
    default-colors:'#A0A0A0, #D0D0D0, pattern(spots,#A0A0A0,#808080,2), pattern(stripes,#A0A0A0,#D0D0D0,1.5,2,45), #808080'

/**** If you prefer a little more color, try uncommenting the following
      block. Guaranteed to put your PDF reader through its paces!

.graphtable td	{ background-image:url(resources/logobig.jpg) }

bargraph, depthbargraph, towerbargraph, linegraph, piegraph, areagraph, multibargraph, floatingbargraph {
    default-colors:'pattern(stripes,#FFA0A0,#A0A0FF,3,3,45), pattern(stars,#FFA0A0,#A0A0FF,10), pattern(polka, #FFA0A0,#A0A0FF,5), pattern(grid,#FFA0A0,#A0A0FF,2,10),pattern(stars,#A0A0FF,#FFA0A0,10)'; }



<body padding="0.4in" requote="true">

<h1>Graph demonstrations</h1>
This document demonstrates a number of different styles of graphs. It's not
meant to be a complete demonstration of the graph capabilities - the <a
library userguide</a> does that - but this is a good document to experiment
with to try various combinations for plotting graphs.

<table width="100%" class="graphtable" margin-top="10">
  <td align="center" width="50%">
    <h2>A Simple BarGraph</h2>
    <bargraph width="100%" height="200">
      <gdata name="apples" value="30"/>
      <gdata name="oranges" value="40"/>
      <gdata name="bananas" value="20"/>
      <gdata name="apricots" value="25"/>
      <gdata name="watermelon" value="28"/>
    <p class="caption">
    This bargraph has the <tt>xrotation</tt> and <tt>yrotation</tt>
    specified, and the alignment of the xaxis set to right &amp; top. This
    means each item on the X-axis is positioned at its top right corner.
  <td align="center" width="50%">
    <h2>A Currency BarGraph</h2>
    <h3>Same data as the last but plotting currencies</h3>
    <bargraph width="100%" height="200" class="currency">
      <gdata name="apples" value="30"/>
      <gdata name="oranges" value="40"/>
      <gdata name="bananas" value="20"/>
      <gdata name="apricots" value="25"/>
      <gdata name="watermelon" value="28"/>
    <p class="caption">
    This bargraph has the <tt>yaxis-formatter</tt> set to <tt>currency()</tt>
    and the language set to <tt>en_GB</tt>
  <td align="center" width="50%">
    <h2>A Walled BarGraph</h2>
    <h3>Identical to the one above but with walls</h3>
    <bargraph width="100%" height="200" class="walled" display-barvalues="top">
      <gdata name="apples" value="30"/>
      <gdata name="oranges" value="40"/>
      <gdata name="bananas" value="20"/>
      <gdata name="apricots" value="25"/>
      <gdata name="watermelon" value="28"/>
    <p class="caption">
    This bargraph has various <tt>floor</tt>, <tt>ywall</tt> and
    <tt>zwall</tt> attributes set to place "walls" behind the graphs. It also
    has the <tt>bar-width</tt> and <tt>bar-depth</tt> attributes set to 80%,
    and the "display-barvalues" attribute set to "top".
  <td align="center" width="50%">
    <h2>A Change of Axes</h2>
    <h3>Identical to the first but for the X axis</h3>
    <bargraph width="100%" height="200" class="rotateaxes">
      <gdata name="apples" value="30"/>
      <gdata name="oranges" value="40"/>
      <gdata name="bananas" value="20"/>
      <gdata name="apricots" value="25"/>
      <gdata name="watermelon" value="28"/>
    <p class="caption">
    This last one is the same as the first, but has <tt>xaxis-align</tt> set to
    <tt>left</tt>, <tt>xaxis-valign</tt> set to <tt>middle</tt> and
    <tt>xaxis-rotate</tt> set to 45.
  <td align="center" width="50%">
    <h2>A Depth BarGraph</h2>
    <h3>The same settings as "Walled Graph" above</h3>
    <depthbargraph width="100%" height="200" class="walled">
      <gdata name="apples" name2="1999" value="20"/>
      <gdata name="apples" name2="2000" value="25"/>
      <gdata name="apples" name2="2001" value="30"/>
      <gdata name="oranges" name2="1999" value="18"/>
      <gdata name="oranges" name2="2000" value="20"/>
      <gdata name="oranges" name2="2001" value="17"/>
      <gdata name="bananas" name2="1999" value="12"/>
      <gdata name="bananas" name2="2000" value="14"/>
      <gdata name="bananas" name2="2001" value="17"/>
      <gdata name="apricots" name2="1999" value="12"/>
      <gdata name="apricots" name2="2000" value="10"/>
      <gdata name="apricots" name2="2001" value="7"/>
      <gdata name="watermelon" name2="1999" value="13"/>
      <gdata name="watermelon" name2="2000" value="15"/>
      <gdata name="watermelon" name2="2001" value="13"/>
    <p class="caption">
    This example of a <tt>DepthBarGraph</tt> shows data on two different axis,
    and requires both the "name" and "name2" attributes to be set on each
    <tt>gdata</tt> tag. The order the values are plotted in depends on the
    order they're listed in the XML.
  <td align="center" width="50%">
    <h2>A Tower BarGraph</h2>
    <h3>Identical data but in Towers</h3>
    <towerbargraph width="100%" height="200" class="walled">
      <gdata name="apples" name2="1999" value="20"/>
      <gdata name="apples" name2="2000" value="25"/>
      <gdata name="apples" name2="2001" value="30"/>
      <gdata name="oranges" name2="1999" value="18"/>
      <gdata name="oranges" name2="2000" value="20"/>
      <gdata name="oranges" name2="2001" value="17"/>
      <gdata name="bananas" name2="1999" value="12"/>
      <gdata name="bananas" name2="2000" value="14"/>
      <gdata name="bananas" name2="2001" value="17"/>
      <gdata name="apricots" name2="1999" value="12"/>
      <gdata name="apricots" name2="2000" value="10"/>
      <gdata name="apricots" name2="2001" value="7"/>
      <gdata name="watermelon" name2="1999" value="13"/>
      <gdata name="watermelon" name2="2000" value="15"/>
      <gdata name="watermelon" name2="2001" value="13"/>
    <p class="caption">
    This graph is identical to the last one in every respect, except it's a
    <tt>towerbargraph</tt> instead of a <tt>depthbargraph</tt>. This style of
    graph is useful for showing cumulative data.
  <td align="center" width="50%">
    <h2>A Multi BarGraph </h2>
    <h3>But otherwise the same as above</h3>
    <multibargraph width="100%" height="200" class="walled">
      <gdata name="apples" name2="1999" value="20"/>
      <gdata name="apples" name2="2000" value="25"/>
      <gdata name="apples" name2="2001" value="30"/>
      <gdata name="oranges" name2="1999" value="18"/>
      <gdata name="oranges" name2="2000" value="20"/>
      <gdata name="oranges" name2="2001" value="17"/>
      <gdata name="bananas" name2="1999" value="12"/>
      <gdata name="bananas" name2="2000" value="14"/>
      <gdata name="bananas" name2="2001" value="17"/>
      <gdata name="apricots" name2="1999" value="12"/>
      <gdata name="apricots" name2="2000" value="10"/>
      <gdata name="apricots" name2="2001" value="7"/>
      <gdata name="watermelon" name2="1999" value="13"/>
      <gdata name="watermelon" name2="2000" value="15"/>
      <gdata name="watermelon" name2="2001" value="13"/>
    <p class="caption">
    This is identical to the graph above, except it's a <tt>multibargraph</tt>
    instead of a <tt>depthbargraph</tt>. A useful alternative in 2D.
  <td align="center" width="50%">
    <h2>A Tower BarGraph again</h2>
    <h3>With the key on the right this time</h3>
    <towerbargraph width="100%" height="200" class="walled" display-key="right" zwall-grid="vertical">
      <gdata name="apples" name2="1999" value="20"/>
      <gdata name="apples" name2="2000" value="25"/>
      <gdata name="apples" name2="2001" value="30"/>
      <gdata name="oranges" name2="1999" value="18"/>
      <gdata name="oranges" name2="2000" value="20"/>
      <gdata name="oranges" name2="2001" value="17"/>
      <gdata name="bananas" name2="1999" value="12"/>
      <gdata name="bananas" name2="2000" value="14"/>
      <gdata name="bananas" name2="2001" value="17"/>
      <gdata name="apricots" name2="1999" value="12"/>
      <gdata name="apricots" name2="2000" value="10"/>
      <gdata name="apricots" name2="2001" value="7"/>
      <gdata name="watermelon" name2="1999" value="13"/>
      <gdata name="watermelon" name2="2000" value="15"/>
      <gdata name="watermelon" name2="2001" value="13"/>
    <p class="caption">
    Again, identical to above but with <tt>display-key</tt> set to "right"
    and <tt>zwall-grid</tt> set to "vertical"
  <td align="center" width="50%">
    <h2>A Line Graph</h2>
    <h3>Plotting two <tt>datacurve</tt> elements</h3>
    <linegraph width="100%" height="200" line-thickness="2" class="plainwall" display-key="bottom-with-markers">
      <datacurve name="Our Results" marker="circle">
        <sample x="1" y="5"/>
        <sample x="2" y="7"/>
        <sample x="3" y="8"/>
        <sample x="5" y="7"/>
        <sample x="6" y="10"/>
        <sample x="7" y="8"/>
        <sample x="9" y="4"/>
      <datacurve name="Their Results">
        <sample x="1" y="3"/>
        <sample x="2" y="4"/>
        <sample x="3" y="6"/>
        <sample x="4" y="5"/>
        <sample x="6" y="7"/>
        <sample x="8" y="5"/>
        <sample x="9" y="6"/>
    <p class="caption">
    A basic linegraph with two <tt>datacurve</tt> elements. We've set the
    <tt>line-thickness</tt> attribute to 2 - it's only used when the graph
    isn't rotated, but can help to make the relatively thin lines stand out.
  <td align="center" width="50%">
    <h2>An Area Graph</h2>
    <h3>Same data, different presentation</h3>
    <areagraph width="100%" height="200" class="plainwall">
      <datacurve name="Our Results">
        <sample x="1" y="5"/>
        <sample x="2" y="7"/>
        <sample x="3" y="8"/>
        <sample x="5" y="7"/>
        <sample x="6" y="10"/>
        <sample x="7" y="8"/>
        <sample x="9" y="4"/>
      <datacurve name="Their Results">
        <sample x="1" y="3"/>
        <sample x="2" y="4"/>
        <sample x="3" y="6"/>
        <sample x="4" y="5"/>
        <sample x="6" y="7"/>
        <sample x="8" y="5"/>
        <sample x="9" y="6"/>
    <p class="caption">
    A basic areagraph, using the same data as the previous graph. Note how the
    values are automatically accumulated.
  <td align="center" width="50%">
    <h2>A Stretched Line Graph</h2>
    <h3>Same as above but stretched to zero</h3>
    <linegraph width="100%" height="200" line-thickness="2" class="plainwall"
               x-stretch-to-zero="true" y-stretch-to-zero="true">
      <datacurve name="Our Results">
        <sample x="1" y="5"/>
        <sample x="2" y="7"/>
        <sample x="3" y="8"/>
        <sample x="5" y="7"/>
        <sample x="6" y="10"/>
        <sample x="7" y="8"/>
        <sample x="9" y="4"/>
      <datacurve name="Their Results">
        <sample x="1" y="3"/>
        <sample x="2" y="4"/>
        <sample x="3" y="6"/>
        <sample x="4" y="5"/>
        <sample x="6" y="7"/>
        <sample x="8" y="5"/>
        <sample x="9" y="6"/>
    <p class="caption">
    Identical to the above graph, but with <tt>x-stretch-to-zero</tt> and
    <tt>y-stretch-to-zero</tt> both set to true. This means the graph axes
    will always extend to zero on the specified axes.
  <td align="center" width="50%">
    <h2>Plotting Dates</h2>
    <h3>Using date values and a formatter</h3>
    <linegraph width="100%" height="200" line-thickness="2" class="linedate">
      <datacurve name="Our Results">
        <sample x="2001-10-01" y="5"/>
        <sample x="2001-10-03" y="7"/>
        <sample x="2001-10-05" y="8"/>
        <sample x="2001-10-09" y="7"/>
        <sample x="2001-10-14" y="10"/>
        <sample x="2001-10-17" y="8"/>
        <sample x="2001-10-23" y="4"/>
      <datacurve name="Their Results">
        <sample x="2001-10-04" y="3"/>
        <sample x="2001-10-07" y="4"/>
        <sample x="2001-10-12" y="6"/>
        <sample x="2001-10-15" y="5"/>
        <sample x="2001-10-18" y="7"/>
        <sample x="2001-10-20" y="5"/>
        <sample x="2001-10-24" y="6"/>
    <p class="caption">
    Here we plot some date values - they're no different to numeric values, we
    just set the <tt>x</tt> attribute in the <tt>sample</tt> tag to a date
    instead of a number, and set the <tt>xaxis-formatter</tt> to
  <td align="center" width="50%">
    <h2>A Line Graph in 3D</h2>
    <h3>Plotting two <tt>datacurve</tt> elements</h3>
    <linegraph width="100%" height="200" line-thickness="2" class="rotateline">
      <datacurve name="Our Results">
        <sample x="1" y="5"/>
        <sample x="2" y="7"/>
        <sample x="3" y="8"/>
        <sample x="5" y="7"/>
        <sample x="6" y="10"/>
        <sample x="7" y="8"/>
        <sample x="9" y="4"/>
      <datacurve name="Their Results">
        <sample x="1" y="3"/>
        <sample x="2" y="4"/>
        <sample x="3" y="6"/>
        <sample x="4" y="5"/>
        <sample x="6" y="7"/>
        <sample x="8" y="5"/>
        <sample x="9" y="6"/>
    <p class="caption">
    Identical to the first line graph, but with a 3D rotation.
  <td align="center" width="50%">
    <h2>An Area Graph in 3D</h2>
    <h3>Same data, different presentation</h3>
    <areagraph width="100%" height="200" class="rotateline">
      <datacurve name="Our Results">
        <sample x="1" y="5"/>
        <sample x="2" y="7"/>
        <sample x="3" y="8"/>
        <sample x="5" y="7"/>
        <sample x="6" y="10"/>
        <sample x="7" y="8"/>
        <sample x="9" y="4"/>
      <datacurve name="Their Results">
        <sample x="1" y="3"/>
        <sample x="2" y="4"/>
        <sample x="3" y="6"/>
        <sample x="4" y="5"/>
        <sample x="6" y="7"/>
        <sample x="8" y="5"/>
        <sample x="9" y="6"/>
    <p class="caption">
    Identical to the first area graph, but with a 3D rotation.
  <td align="center" width="50%">
    <h2>Plotting functions</h2>
    <h3>Using a <tt>simplecurve</tt> to plot a function</h3>
    <linegraph width="100%" height="200" line-thickness="2" class="rotateline"
    min-x="-3.2" max-x="3.2">
      <simplecurve method="java.lang.Math.sin" name="Sine"/>
      <simplecurve method="java.lang.Math.cos" name="CoSine"/>
    <p class="caption">
    Instead of plotting data, we're now plotting functions. The
    <tt>simplecurve</tt> element allows any java function to be plotted.
  <td align="center" width="50%">
    <h2>An Area Graph sans segments</h2>
    <h3>Same as above but with no segments</h3>
    <areagraph width="100%" height="200" class="rotateline" draw-segments="false">
      <datacurve name="Our Results">
        <sample x="1" y="5"/>
        <sample x="2" y="7"/>
        <sample x="3" y="8"/>
        <sample x="5" y="7"/>
        <sample x="6" y="10"/>
        <sample x="7" y="8"/>
        <sample x="9" y="4"/>
      <datacurve name="Their Results">
        <sample x="1" y="3"/>
        <sample x="2" y="4"/>
        <sample x="3" y="6"/>
        <sample x="4" y="5"/>
        <sample x="6" y="7"/>
        <sample x="8" y="5"/>
        <sample x="9" y="6"/>
    <p class="caption">
    The same as the above area graph, but with the <tt>draw-segments</tt>
    attribute set to false, for a different effect.
  <td align="center" width="50%">
    <h2>A Simple PieGraph</h2>
    <piegraph width="100%" height="200">
      <gdata name="apples" value="30"/>
      <gdata name="oranges" value="40"/>
      <gdata name="bananas" value="20"/>
      <gdata name="apricots" value="25"/>
      <gdata name="watermelon" value="28"/>
    <p class="caption">
    This basic pigraph uses exactly the same data as the first graph in this
    document. Like that, the <tt>xrotation</tt> and <tt>yrotation</tt> are
    both set to 30 degrees, and the <tt>display-key</tt> left at the default
    value of "bottom".
  <td align="center" width="50%">
    <h2>Another Simple PieGraph</h2>
    <h3>Using the <tt>rotated-inner-flat-outer</tt> key</h3>
    <piegraph width="100%" height="200" display-key="rotated-inner-flat-outer">
      <gdata name="apples" value="30"/>
      <gdata name="oranges" value="40"/>
      <gdata name="bananas" value="20" extend="20%"/>
      <gdata name="apricots" value="25"/>
      <gdata name="watermelon" value="28"/>
    <p class="caption">
    This same as the last graph, but with the key set to
    <tt>rotated-inner-flat-outer</tt>. The "bananas" <tt>gdata</tt> tag also
    has the <tt>extend</tt> attribute set to 20%.
  <td align="center" width="50%">
    <h2>A Twisted PieGraph</h2>
    <h3>Using the <tt>zrotation</tt> attribute</h3>
    <piegraph width="100%" height="200" zrotation="40">
      <gdata name="apples" value="30"/>
      <gdata name="oranges" value="40"/>
      <gdata name="bananas" value="20"/>
      <gdata name="apricots" value="25"/>
      <gdata name="watermelon" value="28"/>
    <p class="caption">
    The same as the graph above but with the <tt>zrotation</tt> attribute
    set to 40. This exposes the left side of the graph.
  <td align="center" width="50%">
    <h2>Another style of key</h2>
    <h3>Using the <tt>flat-outer</tt> key</h3>
    <piegraph width="100%" height="200" pie-height="30" display-key="flat-outer"
      <gdata name="apples" value="30"/>
      <gdata name="oranges" value="40"/>
      <gdata name="bananas" value="20" extend="20%"/>
      <gdata name="apricots" value="25"/>
      <gdata name="watermelon" value="28"/>
    <p class="caption">
    This same as the above graph, but with the key set to
    <tt>flat-outer</tt>, the <tt>pie-height</tt> increased to 30 and the
    <tt>display-percentage</tt> attribute set to "with-key"
  <td align="center" width="50%">
    <h2>A Floating BarGraph</h2>
    <h3>For showing min, mean and max values</h3>
    <floatingbargraph width="100%" height="200" class="walled">
      <gdata name="apples" min-value="11" mid-value="17" max-value="24"/>
      <gdata name="oranges" min-value="7" mid-value="11" max-value="20"/>
      <gdata name="bananas" min-value="12" mid-value="14" max-value="19"/>
      <gdata name="apricots" min-value="14" mid-value="17" max-value="28"/>
      <gdata name="watermelon" min-value="9" mid-value="16" max-value="17"/>
    <p class="caption">
    This example shows a <tt>FloatingBarGraph</tt>, which is new in the Report
    Generator as of version 1.0.10. Each bar has three values - a min, center
    and max value.
  <td align="center" width="50%">
    <h2>A Round BarGraph</h2>
    <h3>Slower to draw but with nicer results</h3>
    <floatingbargraph width="100%" height="200" class="walled" round-bars="true">
      <gdata name="apples" min-value="11" mid-value="17" max-value="24"/>
      <gdata name="oranges" min-value="7" mid-value="11" max-value="20"/>
      <gdata name="bananas" min-value="12" mid-value="14" max-value="19"/>
      <gdata name="apricots" min-value="14" mid-value="17" max-value="28"/>
      <gdata name="watermelon" min-value="9" mid-value="16" max-value="17"/>
    <p class="caption">
    Identical to the graph on the left, but with the <code>round-bars="true"</code>
    attribute. This can be applied to any type of bargraph except a multi-bargraph.
    It does take a little longer to generate and to draw however.
