<html> <head> <script language="javascript" src="../bfograph.js"></script> <script language="javascript"> var url = "http://localhost:8080/graph/servlet/GraphServlet/xml-html"; factories = [ function() { return new XMLHttpRequest();}, function() { return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");}, function() { return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");} ]; function getHTTPRequest() { for (var i=0;i<factories.length;i++) { try { var factory = factories[i]; var request = factory(); if (request != null) { return request; } } catch (e) { continue; } } } /** * Handle the data returned from the BFO Graph Servlet */ function gotChart(xmlObj) { var dom = (new DOMParser().parseFromString(xmlObj, "text/xml")); // Add in the 'map' element var map = dom.getElementsByTagName("map")[0]; if (typeof map != "undefined") { var newmap = document.createElement("map"); newmap.innerHTML = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(map); newmap = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(newmap); var tmp = newmap.removeChild(newmap.firstChild); newmap.parentNode.appendChild(tmp); newmap.parentNode.removeChild(newmap); } // handle <script> element var script = dom.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; if (typeof script != "undefined") { // create new element in current DOM var newscript = document.createElement("script"); // get rid of '<script..' wrapper' // script will come back with <!-- around actual script on later graph libraries var child = script.firstChild; if ((child.nodeType != 8) && (typeof child.nextSibling != "undefined")) { // comment node child = child.nextSibling; } var js = child.textContent; // set up new script element to match newscript.text = js; newscript.defer = true; newscript.language="javascript"; newscript.type="text/javascript"; newscript = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(newscript); } // replace the HTML of the 'chart' element in the current page with the IMG tag for the // generated chart, causing it to display var img = dom.getElementsByTagName("img")[0]; if (typeof img != "undefined") { document.getElementById("chart").innerHTML = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(img); } } /** * Posts XML to the server and handles the returned data */ function getChart() { var xml2 = "<bfg:axesgraph xmlns:bfg=\"http://bfo.co.uk/ns/graph?version=2\" width=\"300\" height=\"300\" border=\"0\" >" + "<bfg:label font=\"10pt bold Arial\">NASDAQ COMPOSITE (^IXIC) (Jan 05)</bfg:label> " + "<bfg:label font=\"10pt italic Arial\">Roll mouse over bfg:data for exact values.</bfg:label> " + "<bfg:axis pos=\"bottom\" type=\"date(yyyy-MM-dd)\" rotate=\"90\" paddingleft=\"2\" align=\"left middle\" density=\"sparse\"/> " + "<bfg:axis pos=\"left\" type=\"decimal($#,###)\"/> " + "<bfg:lineseries name=\"Price\" color=\"red\" linethickness=\"2\" " + "onmousemove=\"bfgShowPopup(bfgToDate(seriesx,'dd MMM yyyy') +'=$'+bfgRound(seriesy,2), event)\" onmouseout=\"bfgHidePopup()\"> " + "<bfg:data x=\"2005-01-03\" y=\"2184.75\"/><bfg:data x=\"2005-01-04\" y=\"2158.31\"/><bfg:data x=\"2005-01-05\" y=\"2102.90\"/><bfg:data x=\"2005-01-06\" y=\"2098.51\"/> " + "<bfg:data x=\"2005-01-07\" y=\"2099.95\"/><bfg:data x=\"2005-01-10\" y=\"2087.62\"/><bfg:data x=\"2005-01-11\" y=\"2089.07\"/><bfg:data x=\"2005-01-12\" y=\"2089.70\"/> " + "<bfg:data x=\"2005-01-13\" y=\"2093.54\"/><bfg:data x=\"2005-01-14\" y=\"2079.47\"/><bfg:data x=\"2005-01-18\" y=\"2081.86\"/><bfg:data x=\"2005-01-19\" y=\"2105.74\"/> " + "<bfg:data x=\"2005-01-20\" y=\"2056.38\"/><bfg:data x=\"2005-01-21\" y=\"2053.15\"/><bfg:data x=\"2005-01-24\" y=\"2040.13\"/><bfg:data x=\"2005-01-25\" y=\"2022.08\"/> " + "<bfg:data x=\"2005-01-26\" y=\"2034.69\"/><bfg:data x=\"2005-01-27\" y=\"2042.77\"/><bfg:data x=\"2005-01-28\" y=\"2052.54\"/><bfg:data x=\"2005-01-31\" y=\"2053.47\"/> " + "</bfg:lineseries></bfg:axesgraph>"; var req = getHTTPRequest(); req.open("POST", url); req.onreadystatechange = function() { if (req.readyState != 4) return; if (req.status != 200) return; // wrap result in single root 'xml' element gotChart("<xml>" + req.responseText + "</xml>"); } req.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form/urlencoded"); req.send(xml2); } </script> </head> <body> <div id="chart"> </div> <input type="button" value="Chart" onclick="getChart()"/> </body> </html>