Draw a towerbargraph into the document. In a towerbargraph the bars are "stacked" on top of eachother, which makes this type of graph useful for displaying cumulative data.
The gdata elements used to specify the data must specify the name2 attribute, which is the name on the "second axis". This is effectively the name of the component of the bar, and the value is usually displayed in a seperate key.
Like the other graphs, the width and height attributes must be set but all other attributes are optional.
This draws a simple Tower Bargraph with two bars (2000 and 2001), each with four components.
<towerbargraph width="100" height="100"> <gdata name="2000" name2="Q1" value="12"/> <gdata name="2000" name2="Q2" value="5"/> <gdata name="2000" name2="Q3" value="7"/> <gdata name="2000" name2="Q4" value="3"/> <gdata name="2001" name2="Q1" value="3"/> <gdata name="2001" name2="Q2" value="1"/> <gdata name="2001" name2="Q3" value="4"/> <gdata name="2001" name2="Q4" value="9"/> </towerbargraph>