h1, h2, h3, h4 element

Type:Text Blocks
Attributes: line-break  •  orphans  •  text-align  •  text-indent  •  word-break  •  color  •  font-family  •  font-feature-settings  •  font-stretch  •  font-style  •  font-variant  •  font-weight  •  font  •  justification-ratio  •  letter-spacing  •  outline-color  •  outline-width  •  overprint  •  requote  •  suppress-ligatures  •  text-decoration  •  text-transform  •  align  •  alt  •  background-color  •  background-image-dpi  •  background-image-position  •  background-image  •  background-pdf  •  border-color  •  border-style  •  border-width  •  border  •  clear  •  corner-radius  •  display  •  float  •  font-size  •  height  •  href  •  left  •  line-cap  •  line-height  •  line-join  •  margin  •  onmouseover  •  overflow  •  padding  •  page-break-after  •  page-break-inside  •  position  •  rotate  •  size  •  title  •  top  •  vertical-align  •  visibility  •  white-space  •  width  •  class  •  colorspace  •  direction  •  id  •  lang  •  pdf-tag-background-color  •  pdf-tag-border-color  •  pdf-tag-border-style  •  pdf-tag-border-thickness  •  pdf-tag-color  •  pdf-tag-list-numbering  •  pdf-tag-placement  •  pdf-tag-table-colspan  •  pdf-tag-table-headers  •  pdf-tag-table-rowspan  •  pdf-tag-table-scope  •  pdf-tag-table-summary  •  pdf-tag-text-align  •  pdf-tag-type

The tags h1, h2, h3 and h4 display headings. Level 1 headings (h1) are the most prominent headings, and level 4 headings (h4) are the least prominent. H5 and H6, defined in HTML, aren't used here.

Headings are displayed in a bolder, larger font than normal body text. As a heading is just a special type of Paragraph, the properties of the p tag apply to these too.

See the p element examples of general layout applicable to all paragraphs, including h1 to H4

Some simples headings

<h1>This is the heading</h1>
<h2>This is the sub-heading</h2>
<p>This is the content</p>