Draw a floatingbargraph into the document. In a floatingbargraph, the bars do not need to start from "y=0" but may hover above the axis.
The gdata elements used to specify the data must specify the min-value, mid-value and max-value attributes, which determine the bottom, mid-point and top of each bar respectively. If no mid-point is required, the mid-value attribute should be set to the value of min-value or max-value.
Like the other graphs, the width and height attributes must be set but all other attributes are optional.
This draws a simple Floating BarGraph with three bars.
<floatingbargraph width="100" height="100"> <gdata name="apples" min-value="10" mid-value="12" max-value="15"/> <gdata name="oranges" min-value="8" mid-value="11" max-value="18"/> <gdata name="lemons" min-value="4" mid-value="5" max-value="7"/> </floatingbargraph>