Draw an areagraph into the document. An Area graph is very similar to a linegraph, but with the space beneath the lines filled in. Other than that it's almost identical.
The data for an areagraph is specified as a "curve" - either a simplecurve representing a mathematical function or a datacurve, representing one or more samples. Each areagraph must contain one or more datacurve or simplecurve children.
The width and height attributes must be set. In addition, if only simplecurve curves are used, the min-x and max-x attributes must be specified to determine the range of the graph. All other attributes are optional.
This shows a simple Area graph.
<areagraph> <datacurve name="My Data" color=red"> <sample x="10" y="24.5"/> <sample x="11" y="32"/> <sample x="12" y="20.7"/> </datacurve> </areagraph>