login attribute

Used By:input
See:handler identity

When used by a signature input using the "globalsign" handler, this attribute contains the login data for the globalsign service. It may contain either the apikey and apisecret, seperated by a space character, or the URL of the encrypted api information supplied by Globalsign.

Specifying the data using the apikey and apisecret

<input type="signature"
       handler="globalsign"             // Use the globalsign handler
       login="d412345678901234 ddccaabb00112233445678901234567789012345"  // the apikey and apisecret
       identity="OU=Test Unit"          // The signer identity, specified as an X.500 principal
       keystore="file:/privatekey.pkcs12"  // URL of the keystore
       password="storepassword"         // password to unlock the keystore
       signer="John Smith"              // name to place on the signature
       reason="I am the author"         // reason you're signing the document

Specifying the data using the apikey and apisecret

<input type="signature"
       handler="globalsign"             // Use the globalsign handler
       login="file:///home/john/credentials.txt.enc"  // the encypted API credentials
       identity="file:///home/john/john.cert"         // The signer identity, specified as an X.509 certificate
       keystore="file:/privatekey.pkcs12"  // URL of the keystore
       password="storepassword"         // password to unlock the keystore
       signer="John Smith"              // name to place on the signature
       reason="I am the author"         // reason you're signing the document