Class KeyStoreAliasList

    • Constructor Detail

      • KeyStoreAliasList

        public KeyStoreAliasList​(boolean keys,
                                 boolean certificates)
        Create a new KeyStoreAliasList
        keys - whether to include keys in the list
        certificates - whether to include certificates in the list
      • KeyStoreAliasList

        public KeyStoreAliasList​(KeyStoreManager ksm,
                                 boolean keys,
                                 boolean certificates)
        Create a new KeyStoreAliasList and set the KeyStoreManager
        ksm - the KeystoreManager
        keys - whether to include keys in the list
        certificates - whether to include certificates in the list
    • Method Detail

      • getKeyStoreManager

        public KeyStoreManager getKeyStoreManager()
        Get the KeyStoreManager
      • setKeyStoreManager

        public void setKeyStoreManager​(KeyStoreManager ksm)
        Set the KeyStoreManager
        ksm - the keystore manager
      • isDisplayed

        public boolean isDisplayed​(KeyStore keystore,
                                   String alias)
        Return true if the specified alias from the specified keystore is displayed. By default returns true for PrivateKeyEntry or TrustedCertificateEntry entries (depending on constructor parameters), false otherwise
        keystore - the keystore
        alias - the keystore alias
      • isEnabled

        public boolean isEnabled​(KeyStore keystore,
                                 String alias)
        Return true if the specified alias from the specified keystore is enabled for selection. By default always returns true.
        keystore - the keystore
        alias - the keystore alias
      • isReadOnly

        public boolean isReadOnly​(KeyStore keystore,
                                  String alias)
        Return true if the specified alias from the specified keystore should be a read-only entry. By default returns true for any entries from the system keystore.
        keystore - the keystore
        alias - the keystore alias