Big Faceless Graph Library 2.3 Tag Documentation - Copyright © 2006 Big Faceless Organization



The "multibarseries" tag can be used to combine several "barseries" into groups which are displayed next to eachother. With 3D graphs you have the option of displaying bars one behind the other, but in 2D this is a useful alternative.

Valid Children

barseries+ marker* label* line*


Example: an example of a multi bar series
<axesgraph width="300" height="300">
  <multibarseries name="Fruit Consumption by Year">
    <barseries name="2001">
      <data x="Apples" y="5" />
      <data x="Oranges" y="7" />
    <barseries name="2002">
      <data x="Apples" y="8" />
      <data x="Oranges" y="3" />
  <key align="right" />

See Also


barwidth Real > 0 <= 1 optional XML / Tag Library


The width of the set of bars. A value of "1" means each set of bars is so wide they touch eachother. Note that in versions prior to 2.2, this value was identical to the width of the barseries chlidren. Since 2.2 it can be set separately.
bardepth Real > 0 <= 1 optional XML / Tag Library


The depth of a bar, for when bars are displayed in 3D. A value of "1" means the bars are so deep neighbouring rows touch eachother.
topbarwidth Real >= 0 <= 1 optional XML / Tag Library


The topbarwidth and bottombarwidth attributes can be set to shape the bar into a "pyramid" shape. Both attributes must be specified, and the middlebarwidth may also be specified to create a "funnel" shape. A value of 1 means full width, a value of 0 means the box will taper to a point. This attribute can be set on an individual barseries or on a stackedbarseries to auto-set the width values for its barseries.


Example: Use topbarwidth and bottombarwidth to create a funnel chart
<axesgraph width="300" height="300" autocolors="#800000, #FFE0E0" xrotation="20" yrotation="10">
  <stackedbarseries name="Funnel" bargap="0.5">
    <barseries name="2005" topbarwidth="0.2" bottombarwidth="0.05"><data x="x" y="5" /></barseries>
    <barseries name="2004" topbarwidth="0.45" bottombarwidth="0.2"><data x="x" y="5" /></barseries>
    <barseries name="2003" topbarwidth="0.5" bottombarwidth="0.45"><data x="x" y="5" /></barseries>
    <barseries name="2002" topbarwidth="0.8" bottombarwidth="0.5"><data x="x" y="5" /></barseries>
    <barseries name="2001" topbarwidth="0.9" bottombarwidth="0.8"><data x="x" y="5" /></barseries>
  <axis pos="left" type="null" color="none" /> 
  <axis pos="bottom" type="null" color="none" />
bottombarwidth Real >= 0 <= 1 optional XML / Tag Library


The topbarwidth and bottombarwidth attributes can be set to shape the bar into a "pyramid" shape. See the topbarwidth attribute for more information and an example.
name String mandatory XML / Tag Library


Every item in the graph may have a "name", which is how it appears in the Key (if listed) and for some items, how it's refered to in JavaScript. The name is required for Series and optional for other items like markers.
pos (top | bottom) (left | right) optional XML / Tag Library


Which axes to plot the series against on an AxesGraph. This attribute has a default value of "bottom left", which means the series is plotted against the bottom and left axis, but other valid values would be "top left", "bottom right" or "top right".


Example: Plotting dates against the bottom axis and days of week against the top
<axesgraph width="300" height="300">
  <axis pos="bottom" type="date">
    <teeth rotate="90" align="left middle" />
  <axis pos="top" type="bar" />
  <lineseries pos="bottom left" name="Amount over the year">
    <data x="2003-01-01" y="20" />
    <data x="2003-12-31" y="17" />
  <barseries pos="top left" name="Average amount per weekday">
    <data x="Sun" y="18" />
    <data x="Sat" y="21" />
Big Faceless Graph Library 2.3 Tag Documentation - Copyright © 2006 Big Faceless Organization