Class Output

    • Method Detail

      • getAreas

        public Map<String,​Shape> getAreas()
        Return a Map containing information about the areas used in the graph. This can be used to create rollover or clickable areas on the resulting image. The returned map has a String as a key and an Area or GeneralPath as a value. The key determines which object is being described, and is in one of the following formats: Represents the Area used by the actual series, where name is one (or more) fields describing the actual data, separated by dots. For instance, if you created a series like this:
         BarSeries s = new BarSeries("myseries");
         s.set("Apples", 20);
         s.set("Oranges", 20);
        Then this Map would include at least the two keys graph.series.myseries.Apples and graph.series.myseries.Oranges. For stacked bars, you might get graph.series.myseries.2001.Apples, and for LineGraphs, where there is no real division of the data, you would simply get graph.series.myseries. This is a GeneralPath object representing the course actually taken by the data, which may be different the the value returned by if, for instance, the graph is drawn with a linethickness > 1 or is rotated in 3D. Represents the Area used by a Marker on the graph. Here series is the series the marker was added to, and name is the name of the marker. If no name was specified for the marker (the default) then no entry will be added to the Map.
        key.frame Represents the Area used by the Key box.
        the Map described above, or null if storeAreas(true) wasn't called before drawing.
      • storeAreas

        public void storeAreas​(boolean store)
        Whether to store the areas used by each object on the Graph. This is useful for creating clickable areas in the graph, but it adds a small amount of time to the rendering process so it's not turned on by default. See the getAreas() method for more information.
        store - whether to store information required by the getAreas() method.
        See Also: