meta element

Type:Heading Tags
Attributes: name  •  value
See:pagenumber pdf totalpages

The meta tag contains meta information about the document, like the title, author, password and so on.

Most meta tags are interpreted directly by the Report Generator itself, but the system has the option of passing unrecognised tags on to a user process for futher analysis. For example, when serving documents using the "PDF Proxy Servlet" supplied with the package, any meta tags with names beginning with "http-" are passed back to the browser.

Meta tags recognised directly by the Report Generator are:
baseset the base URL of the document
authorset the document author
titleset the document title
subjectset the document subject
output-profileThis can be set to cause the pdf to be written according to the rules of a specific output profile. For more detail see the org.faceless.pdf2.OutputProfile class. Valid values are currently "Default", "NoCompression", "Acrobat4", "Acrobat5", "Acrobat6", "Acrobat7", "Acrobat8", "Acrobat9", "AcrobatX", "PDF/A1b", "PDF/A1a", "PDF/A2b", "PDF/A2u", "PDF/A2a", "PDF/A3b", "PDF/A3u", "PDF/A3a" or "PDF/UA1", and individual features can be turned off or on by appending a "+feature" or "-feature" to the string - for example "Default+Linearized-XMPMetaData". In addition the "PDF/UA1" profile can be merged with another profile to create a pdf that is compliant with both: this is typically done for PDF/A, for example "PDF/A2a+PDF/UA1".
keywordsset the document keywords
creatorset the document creator (the program that created the original XML)
servlet-filenamecauses the pdf document to be saved to disk with the specified filename, rather than being displayed in the browser. This uses the Content-Disposition header, which unfortunately collides with a known bug in IE5.5, which may cause your document not to be displayed at all. Use with caution unless you know your audiences browsers.
layoutset the document layout. Valid values are "one-column", "two-column-left", "two-column-right" and "single-page" (the default)
show-bookmarkswhether to show the bookmarks pane when the document is first opened. Values are "true" or "false"
viewer-hidetoolbarWhether to hide the toolbar of the pdf viewer when the document is loaded. Values are "true" or "false"
viewer-hidemenubarWhether to hide the menubar of the pdf viewer when the document is loaded. Values are "true" or "false"
viewer-hide-windowuiWhether to hide the user-interface of the pdf viewer when the document is loaded. Values are "true" or "false"
viewer-fitwindowWhether to resize the pdf viewer window to fit the document size. Values are "true" or "false"
viewer-centerwindowWhether to center the pdf viewer window on the viewers screen. Values are "true" or "false"
viewer-fullscreenWhether to open the pdf as full-screen or not. Values are "true" or "false"
dpithe value to use when converting coordinates in pixels (px) to points. The default is 90, which means 1 pixel = 0.8pt = (1 * 72 / 90).
startpagethe pagenumber to associate with the first page in the report. By default this is "1", but this can be adjusted as required. Affects the pagenumber and totalpages elements
passwordthe password to encrypt the document with.
encryption-algorithmthe encryption algorithm to use to encrypt the document. Values are "40bit", "128bit", "aes" or "aes256". Note "aes" requires Java 1.4 or later, and Acrobat 7.0 or later to open the document, and "aes256" requires Acrobat x.
security-passwordthe password required to update the permissions or open-password of the document. Also known as the "owner-password", this is optional but should be set if the permissions may be changed in the future
access-levelWhat permissions to give to the application viewing the document. Valid options are any combination of "print-none", "print-lowres", "print-highres", "extract-none", "extract-accessibility", "extract-all", "change-none", "change-layout", "change-forms", "change-annotations", "change-all" or "plain-metadata", seperated by spaces. One each of the "print", "change" and "extract" should be chosen - eg <meta name="access-level" value="print-all change-none extract-none"/> would create a document that can be printed but is not copyable or alterable. For 40 bit encryrption, print-lowres is the same as print-highres, extract can be "none" or "all", and changes can be "none", "annotations" or "all". The "plain-metadata" option will cause XMP metadata in the document to be left unencrypted, although this will result in a pdf that can only be loaded with Acrobat 6.0 or later.
output-intent-identifierThe identifier for the Output Intent. Primarily used for PDF/A
output-intent-descriptionThe description for the Output Intent. Primarily used for PDF/A
output-intent-registryThe registry for the Output Intent. Primarily used for PDF/A
output-intent-iccThe URL of the ICC profile which is the Output Intent. Primarily used for PDF/A
taggedIf true, the pdf will be created with Structured Tags; these are mainly used for accessibility

    <meta name="author" value="Joe Bloggs"/>
    <meta name="output-profile" value="Acrobat4"/>
    <meta name="password" value="secret"/>
    <meta name="access-level" value="print-none change-all extract-all"/>
    <meta name="show-bookmarks" value="true"/>
    <meta name="layout" value="one-column"/>
    Document body here