Interface EmbedderFactory

  • public interface EmbedderFactory

    Factory interface for a factory returning an Embedder object. Any EmbedderFactories available to the Context will be checked to see if they match the "format" attribute of the XML, and if they do an Embedder will be created.

    Factories are recognised automatically by the context whenever it's reloaded - so installing a custom factory is as simple as writing your own and placing it in a Jar in the classpath. Here's a simple example showing how to add a handler for JPEG images (note this is just an example - JPEG is a poor second to PNG for this sort of image). First, compile the following source file:
     package mypackage;
     import javax.imageio.*;
     import org.faceless.graph2.tag.*;
     public class JPEGEmbedderFactory extends EmbedderFactory {
       public boolean matches(String format) {
         return "jpeg".equals(format);
       public Embedder newEmbedder() {
         return new PNGEmbedder() {
           public String getMIMEType() {
             return "image/jpeg";
           public void writeBitmap(ImageOutput img, OutputStream out) throws IOException {
             ImageIO.write(img.getImage(), "JPEG", out);
    Second, create the following file exactly as it is here:
     # List of EmbedderFactories in this Jar
    Finally, add this file as META-INF/services/org.faceless.graph2.tag.EmbedderFactories along with the class files created above to a Jar file. The Jar should contain the following files.
    Make the Jar available to your web application and reload the context. You'll then be able to add format="jpeg" as an attribute to your graphs to create JPEG images.
    • Method Detail

      • matches

        boolean matches​(String type)
        Return true if this Factory mathches the specified type
      • newEmbedder

        Embedder newEmbedder​(String type)
        Create a new Embedder object