CHANGELOG for Big Faceless Graph Library ---------------------------------------- The version numbering scheme in use across all our products is designed to simplify upgrade management for developers: * A "patch level" change indicates a minor feature or bugfix. Methods MAY have been added to the API, but none have been removed. eg. Code written for version 1.0.0 will work on version 1.0.9 * A "minor level" change indicates a change to the API which may require some code changes. API changes are minor, but are necessary for bug fixes or new features. eg. Code written for version 1.0.3 MAY require changes for 1.1 * A "major level" indicates big changes to the API or considerable extra functionality. Developers can expect significant changes to bring their code up to date. eg. Code written for version 1.1 is unlikely to work under 2.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.4.9 (released 2023-05-25) --------------------------- * Minimum version is now Java 7, and tested through to Java 17 * Removed Flash output support * Finally added generics to all methods * Fixed "linethickness" (in wall paint) and "fixedaspectratio" attributes in XML interface. * Added Graph.setLocale(), set via the "xml:lang" attribute in the XML interface, and use it to control formatting of labels in the graph. * Added DateAxis.setFit() method to give more control over which dates are displayed on the axis. * Remove leading/trailing spaces from labels * Line markers can now have their line-thickness and dash patterns set * Dashed lines were not being joined correctly, which resulted in visual jumps when the lengths of each segment was shorter than the width of the line * Fixed cuts across gradient transations where one of the colors has an alpha value. * Fixed alpha colors in SVG * Fixed redirects from HTTP to HTTPS when loading images * Added AreaSeries.setAwayFromZero, to control how negative and positive values in an AreaSeries are added together. Mainly for compatibility with other software and with our versions of our API prior to 2.4.7 * The "org.faceless.graph2.tag.ServletContext" parameter that can be set when using the Tag library can now include a hostname, to allow this to work behind a proxy. 2.4.8 (released 2016-01-22) --------------------------- * Added option to use "backup fonts", by specifying a comma-separated list of font family names in the XML or by using the TextStyle.addBackupFont method. Mainly of use for PDF Output but it will work for any. * Fixed ambiguity in XML syntax when parsing a date that can also be a number, eg "2001". If used on a date axis, it's always a date. * Added support for texture-paint to PDF Output * Corrected bold-oblique Courier font, which was failing in PDF Output * Add support for hyperlinks in the PDF output via the new "PDFEmbedder" class. This involved moving the "getAreas" method on ImageOutput has been moved to its superclass, Output. The latest Report Generator will need to be used to take advantage of these changes. * Added "normal" to list of acceptable font styles in XML syntax. * Added "alt" to list parameters for all hyperlinked area in XML syntax. * Some minor graphical improvements. 2.4.7 (released 2015-07-07) --------------------------- * Added Trend-line plotting with "TrendSeries" and matching XML tag * AreaGraph can now plot stacked negative values as well as positive * Fixed drawing of "edge-on" faces, primarily for the vector formats SVG and PDF * Added "box" alignment for axes labels, which allows alignment to be based on all the values in the keys, rather than just individual items. See the final example in the documentation for demo. * The Style and TextStyle classes (and, consequently, most XML items) can have an "overflow" attribute set to "true" to cause them not to constibute to the sizing algorithm for the graphs. In practice this should be used with caution and limited to lines, markers or text. * The has a "lineaxes" attribute which can be set to cause the lines to only be drawn against the main, alternate or both (the default) axes. * Fixed some layout issues added in the previous release which only applied to the API use. * "currency" axes in the XML are correctly formatted using the locale. * Some minor graphical improvements. 2.4.6 (released 2015-05-06) --------------------------- * Grid lines on the back and side walls of the Axes Graph can be specified with the new "StripedPaint" class, which is less clumsy than the existing setWallPaint methods. Likewise in the XML the new element can be used * PieGraphs have a new "innerradius" and "outerradius" concept for each slice, to allow each section of the pie to have a different ring diameter. * PieGraphs can have general text/markers added to them by the new addMarker or addPolarMarker methods, and lines can be added with the new addLine method. The XML interface allows this by adding a standard