BFO releases Java PDF Library 2.20

Version 2.20 brings full support for PDF/UA, the subset of PDF designed for accessibility. We can now create and verify documents that meet this specification, which is now a common requirement for government documents (particularly in the US). Support is also added for PDF/A conformance level "A" - that' PDF/A-1a, PDF/A-2a and PDF/A-3a - which, like PDF/UA, depends on the "structure tree" enchancements we've added to the API .

Beyond that, we've fixed quite a few obscure or "edge-case" problems, some supplied by customers and some found after testing our API against a corpus of 15,000 test documents. The changes are all small, but overall the PDF Library is more robust against damaged input as a result. Finally, we've tested and verified the viewer as working properly under the Java 9 early-access releases - only a small fix was required, and we expect no problems when Java 9 is finally released in about 3 months time.

For more information please see the changelog.

You can download the latest version from our website.